12. Please let go

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Rounds and multiple cups of alcohol in my system later, I recognize someone joining the party

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Rounds and multiple cups of alcohol in my system later, I recognize someone joining the party. His red shirt representing the opposite team against who the guys played earlier, gives him away.

"Care if I join sweetheart ?" His voice rasps and I numbly nod my head yes, uncaring about the consequences of my action.

It takes me a second to realize that he places himself right behind me, watching me throw the ball toward the red cup on the opposite side of the table, which suddenly makes me feel cadged. To my luck, the ping pong ball enters the cup, making a few cheers erupt in the room, but I can't focus as I feel the hands of this guy sneak their way around my waist.

"Good one sweetheart."

I smile back at him, his eyes watching me closely and I unintentionally stumble a few feet back, losing control of my own balance.
"Fuck." I mutter under my breath, the alcohol in my system reflecting on my behavior against my will. That's the cue to maybe stop drinking Liliana.

Luckily, the guy from the opposite team stabilises me on my feet, his hands still placed on my waist. "Careful there." He mumbles in my ear, before gently tugging me away from the ping-pong table. "You had enough to drink for the night."

"Who are you to say what the fuck I am supposed to do." I object back, as I spin around to face him completely, finally able to look him in the eyes since the first encounter. His blue eyes dig into mine as a slow grin spreads on his lips, purely enjoying my drunken and bald state. "You guys lost the game, but still you are brave enough to show up here."

"It's just a game sweetheart. Perhaps it is the last game of the season, but I'm heading off to university anyway where I will enter a new team. It's not a big deal." He explains calmly with a smile and I can't help myself to admire his courage to come party with the opposite team, in other words, The Silverbacks.

"Well, I hope you enjoy the party then..." I stop my words because I don't know his name, which he seems to understand as he chuckles.

"Reed." He fills me in with his name.

"... Reed." I smile and slowly start backing away from him as I feel the alcohol contaminating my system at a furiously fast speed. "I need to use the restroom. I'll see you later." I excuse myself as I push past him to make my way through the crowd and distance myself from him and the people.

With a heavy head, I make my way towards the halls of the mansion to get to the bathroom, I push past a few people and even come across Colin at some point, a teammate barely hanging on his shoulder. Colin sends me a lopsided smile and manages to give me thumbs up to check if I am well, to which I nod, before continuing to make my way to the restroom.

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