05. Unravelling chaos

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The roads are empty but so slippery thanks to the snow that keeps falling and I really have to slow down to be able to see anything in front of me that is beyond 5 meters

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The roads are empty but so slippery thanks to the snow that keeps falling and I really have to slow down to be able to see anything in front of me that is beyond 5 meters.

"Shit." I curse when the road starts to get more narrow and curvy as I pass through a forest to get to the city, which is a task way more complicated than when I took the same road earlier tonight.

The wind is blowing hard outside and a knot in my stomach that was very little at the beginning is now growing by the second making me nauseous. Driving is definitely not an issue for me normally, I have absolutely no problem doing so, but speeding through roads and driving through snow is not the same.

Even if it goes to the point where you ask me if I would rather go against the famous MJ racer of my town or this, I wouldn't god damn hesitate to choose the freaking racer. This is torture. 

I let out a shaky breath and hope that no other car is coming across as I pass through the trees, because the road is already so narrow and slippery, I wouldn't know how to do this. Maybe if I just go a little faster it will go by quicker and I would be done with this awful part of the way back home. So unconsciously I press the gas pedal a little bit more to increase the speed.

"A few more curves and I am done with this shit" I mutter under my breath, as I regret my decision of leaving the restaurant or even going so far away from my house.

And just as I think I am nearly done, headlights from another vehicle appear in front of me at a distance I cannot yet really distinguish because of the storm. But it is approaching fast. The previous corner completely hid the vehicle, so I wasn't aware of its arrival at first, but if I manage to slow down a little then it should be fine for the both of us. The road should get get wider at any...

Only when I think things couldn't get any worse, something out of nowhere falls right in front of my car to block the whole road. My thought is cut short and my eyes only manage to widen in fear, but I don't have the time to react otherwise.

My car rams full speed into what I now recognize is a fallen tree. I am barely able to understand what is happening to me before the crash happens. The grip on my steering wheel doesn't loosen at the sudden shock and my whole body gets projected to the front, the seat belt barely able to hold me back, as it digs deep into my skin.

Pain erupts everywhere. The windows of the car explode in millions of pieces and fly out straight toward me, but the only thing I can do to protect myself is put my arm in front of my face to shield it. I am barely even able to cry out in pain, as my brain still tries to process what is happening, and before I know it a second shock hits me again, which makes my mind go blank for a few seconds. 

I don't know how much time passes as I lay completely still, my eyes staring to the side out of my shattered window as my head is numbly laying against the steering wheel. A loud ringing sound resonates in my ears which makes it barely possible for me to hear my own quick breathing. I manage to see the snow falling down, flake by flake as the cold air fills up the car slowly to blow against my exposed skin.

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