SS 1: Fallout

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(Kaito's POV)

(Y/N) looked at us one last time leaving a final remark "You guys following along or nah?" as he exited the room.

Those few words hit me like a truck. Normally I would've left in an instant but this time, something just wanted me to be here. I wanted to stay and hear this man out.

I looked at my brother who was on my right, he was just standing there as if he was in a trance compelled by the words that the guy had just spoken out of his mouth. 

That's when I knew he was probably thinking the same as me, let's hear him out.

I looked to the other side seeing Sae and Rin the brothers as well, taking in all the words he said to us.

Sae noticed my look and gave me an unsettling stare, I had a feeling I knew what he was trying to say with this but instead he looked at the exit, putting his hand in his pocket as he told his brother to follow along.

"Come on Rin,  let's go this has been a waste of our time how lukewarm." Sae simply said as I looked at Rin. It felt that he was somewhat interested in what the man had to say, being reluctant to follow his brother, but nonetheless, he continued to tag along with him, finally both of them exiting  the room.

Now it was me, my brother, Ego, and Teirei in the room.

"Now where was I again before I got interrupted ah yes.  The power of Japanese football organisations is first-rate. You could call it the result of Japanese thoughtfulness. But in all other respects, it is undeniably second-rate." As he pointed out on the board of the Japan World Cup squad.

"Let me ask you this: What is soccer? Is it about eleven guys working together? Valuing your ties to others? Self-sacrifice? Playing for your teammates? This is why this country's football has remained weak." He stated.

The question he was asking me got me thinking but before I could answer them in my head he answered it for me.

"I'll tell you the answer. Football is about scoring more goals than your opponent." He looked at us with a menacing  look on his face.

"Whoever scores the most goals is the greatest. The two of you who are still remaining here wanting to play friendly games with your buddies, then lock off." He pointed at the both of you.

I had second thoughts about leaving, should I leave?, Should I step out of this room? I looked at my brother his face, was a face filled with admiration and excitement soaking in every word he was saying.

I've made up my decision. I'm staying in this room and hearing him out.

"The Japanese Team? They've never won the World Cup, have they?" He asked me as I knew this was a fact Japan has never won a World Cup

"Instead of assisting my teammates to win 1-0, it feels better to pull off a hat trick and lose 3-4. These are the words of the world's greatest striker, Noel Nol, who beat Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo to win the Ballon d'Or. Eric Cantona said, "I don't care about my team, I just want to stand out." Pele said, "The world's best forward midfielder, defender, and goalkeeper, whichever you ask about, the answer is still me." he said.

"Well? Awful, right? They're all top, top players! And they're all extraordinary egoists. That's what Japanese soccer lacks. You can't become the world's best strikers unless you're the world's biggest egoist. I want to create that kind of person here. Someone who will stand on 299 corpses.  A solitary hero." he simply stated these words resonated in my heart but I noticed something.

These words that he was describing, have already been made.

His name was (Y/N)

The spitting image of what he was describing as the most extreme Egoists of them all.

"Just imagine it. You're in the World Cup final. Eighty thousand people in the stands. You're standing on the field. The score is 0-0. It's the second half of extra time. It's the last play. With a pass from your teammate, you're through the defence. It's you against the goalkeeper. Six meters to your right is your teammate. If you pass you're guaranteed to score a goal. In a moment when the entire nation's hope and the championship are riding on you, BANG! Only an insane egoist can take that shot without hesitation. Now join this journey in the upcoming future. Abandon all common sense. On the field, you're the star." He finished saying.

If I didn't pass the ball and scored a goal instead of (Y/N) if I had taken the free kick for myself instead of (Y/N), if I wasn't too damn selfless would I've had the spotlight on me just this once.

"Nothing should bring you more joy than your own goals. Live only for that moment. Isn't that what it means to be a striker?" He grinned widely.

I am a striker. As I stepped closer to him with each step I felt hate, anger, and frustration at not having the spotlight to me instead of (Y/N)

"I AM A STRIKER!" I shouted at the top of my lungs directed in front of Ego's face.

All he could do was grin at this remark "So there's that side of you." 

"Now in the future nowhere in the world is  football more intense than it is at Blue Lock. You're still too young give us 4 more years than Blue Lock will be up and running. Hopefully (Y/N) can come around." He muttered the last sentence but thankfully for him, I heard those comments.

"Nonsense put your faith in me when I join Blue Lock and I'll gladly crush him" I smiled to myself as I raised my fist in the air up for Ego-sama all he could do was look at me sadly for some reason.

I decided it was time to exit the room as I dragged  my brother to go to the bus.

I couldn't hear the last words that Ego muttered but I couldn't care less. I felt happy in joining the Blue Lock facility in the near future.

"You have no idea how truly a monster he is, they'll most certainly be a fallout."

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