SS 18: Familiarity

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(Anri's POV)
"As I predicted Charlie is really making a name for himself in Spain." Ego gave his analysis while eating some ramen as we were currently in my office watching a replay of a match against FC Barcha in the final game of the U-20 La Liga.

"What do you expect! He's the best that Japan has to offer!" I boasted proudly of my brother's achievements during his time in Spain.

I began organising the letters that would be handed out to the 300 strikers who would be selected to join the program. The Bluelock program would be coming to fruition very soon. The time was near.

"Not only that, Sae and Charlie appear to be very close to each other. . . Do you think it's possible we could structure this program based on Charlie's skills?" Ego asked.

"Structure the program based on him? I don't quite understand what you're saying."

"I've noticed something about Charlie. He's not just a great striker, in fact, his just as equally good at being a playmaker."

"Where are you going with this?"

"What I'm saying is if he can be two things at once, what makes you think we can't just nurture the best striker but the best offensive team in the world?"

This revelation hit me across the face, this was an interesting idea.

"So this program is trying to aim, in producing a player that's like Charlie, that'll even surpass him."

"Producing a player that's like Charlie. Yes. But a player that'll surpass him, unfortunately, there's no chance of that." Ego is clearly stated.

"What!? Are you saying Charlie is that good?" I questioned him.

"Exactly what I'm saying. Charlie is not your normal striker he is someone who can destroy the opposition alone if he wants to. His potential is terrifying even for me. It'd be easier to produce and surpass a player like Noel Noa or Chris Prince who are the greats as they're edging to their peaks, but not Charlie. His potential is too hard to predict." Ego said.

"N-No way so he's that kind of player?"

"He is that kind of player but yet, something is holding him back in becoming that player, it's something his fears."

"Fears? What does he fear?" I asked him curiously, Ego gave me a slight smirk.

"It's simple really, it's himself. He fears himself the most. He fears his potential to become great, that's the kind of person he is." Ego gave out his analysis.

"That's bizarre. . .  So he's holding himself back. . . But if you're saying that his that good at the level he is compared to other players won't be playing this level forever." I asked him, as Ego snapped his finger at me.

"You're wrong about that. . . In the next game, something spectacular will happen. A certain someone will push him to his limits and we'll see a glimpse of that player, not the perfect striker but a glimpse of it.

"J-Just how much do you know about Charlie?" I asked him. He was terrified because he could read a player that much.

"I only know as much as himself. What I do know is that there are three stages to him. He's unlocked the first, there's two more to go."

"Two more?! Tell me!" I shouted desperate to know, slamming my fist onto the table, this was when Ego stopped eating his ramen to look at me.

"I wouldn't dare spoil the fun but you'll see him reach the second stage of his abilities. . . After all, you've seen it before."

Seen it before? What did he mean by that?

Only time will tell.

(Hideo's POV)
The chance for National was ongoing, who would've thought that I and Kaito could carry our team on our backs without the special main man. . .


I suddenly felt a slight tap on my hand. I glanced over to my shoulder to see who it was.

It was none other than my girlfriend.


"Now tell me here. . . What are you exactly thinking about Hideo?

She sat beside me on the football pitch as she leaned her head onto my shoulder.

"Thinking about how we have a shot for Nationals and that we didn't need Charlie for it."

Her face instantly turned grim at hearing his name.

"Charlie huh? All I ever hear in our school, no in the whole of Japan are Charlie and Sae. The Japanese prodigies that flourished in the U-20 Royale team. If I had to be honest I tried to erase his memories of him from my life. . . But it's just not possible the impact he made in Japan is so much. That's all everyone talks about these days.

"Yeah, I understand. . . Hey, Kaeda when was the last time he actually called, texted or even sent mail to us to say a simple hello, or how his day was going on." I asked.

"That's an easy one. . . Never. The last time he spoke to us was when he was in Japan and now to think about it that was ages ago. I don't think he cares about us all. I'm just curious, does he think about us, as much as we think about him?" Kaeda asked me.

To answer her question I didn't really know.

"No idea. . . All we ever see from him is the live coverages of games or interviews. . . How's Ruqa doing lately?" I asked the question out of the blue.

"Ruqa? She's doing well, funny enough she's doing an internship to become a reporter and guess where she's going to interview."


"Correct. She's going to Spain, meaning that she has the chance to interview the players playing in the U-20 UEFA Youth Finals."

"U-20 UEFA Youth Finals? He really has made it to the big stage. That's something only me and Kaito can dream about." I muttered as Kaeda gave me a worried look.

"Kaito's hate for Charlie has grown even more, am I right?"

"Yeah," I said.

I didn't want to answer that question but, yes his hate grew. He wanted to best him in football, whether that would happen no idea. The only reason why he ever trained was to beat him, that was his sole driving factor in wanting to become the best striker in the world. To meet Charlie on the big stage.

But after all, there was that sense of. . .


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