SS 16: Decide

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(Mei's POV)
I don't what I've been feeling these days. I never felt like this before it was so strange and weird to me. It only grew even more after that incident between Ito and Naomi.

It was as if my stomach was twisting and turning, was I had a stomach ache? No, it wasn't that it was something else and it had a jittery feeling to it.

Today, I was currently going down to a charity event, of course, people would say I may not look like a person who would go to a charity event, but this is the one thing I really do enjoy it's like a hobby for me.

I almost arrived when I saw an unexpected person to be there, seemingly waiting for me as he leaned on a wall, waving at me.

"Josh if this is one of those confessions you always do the the answer is going to be n-"

"No. Yeah, I know but when are you going to give a man a chance." Josh groaned.

"Are you a man? Please as if the answer is never and it'll be that way forever. . . And out of all people what are you doing here at a charity event? I never expected someone like you to be all alone at a place like this." I said.

"Alone? Who said I was alone? I'm with people." Josh gave me his classic smirk.

"I'm with people, as in Calvin?" I asked him.

Josh waved his head in no.

"Not just him Sae and Charlie as well." He stated.

Charlie. That name, that was all it was needed for my stomach to turn and twist itself.

"C-Charlie. . . Here? As in right now?" I began playing with my hair, I immediately stop that action as I was unconsciously doing it. How could I not realise I was unconsciously doing something?

What was going on with me right now?
This was not how I usually acted. Keep it together me.

"Yeah he's right inside the hall want to come and see?" Josh asked.

"Yeah sure whatever. . . It's not like I care." I said, but in reality, I don't know but for some reason, I was curious as to what Charlie was doing here.

We entered the hall and what did I know Charlie was on stage doing a talk of some sort for the charity.

He noticed me looking at him as he waves at me. I'm not exactly sure why but I was stunned to the ground. Everything about Charlie for some reason on that stage looked perfect.

The way he talked, the way he acted, the way he moved, the way he even looked. . .

No way I just said that in my head.

I did not just say that he actually looked good, now when I take a closer look I could see why Naomi called him handsome, and the simple answer would be because he was actually handsome.

This isn't happening don't tell me my first crush on a boy in my entire life was. . .


This couldn't be happen, this shouldn't be happening.

I covered my mouth as my face felt like it was steaming everytime I took a look at his face. Josh took notice this as he too finally realised what was going on with me.

"Don't tell me. . . You have a crush on Charlie now do you?" Josh chuckled nudging me on shoulder.

"I do not!" I yelled out which a small amount of people near me looked, as I nervously chuckled.

"No I do not." I said lowly this time.

"Really then why are you fiddling with your hair again and why is your face so red care to explain."

Busted. Once again I had been unconsciously playing with my hair, this was so not like me.

"Fine. . . You got me, maybe I do like him ever so slightly but it's just a little crush nothing more, nothing less." I stated which caused Josh to smile.

"Mei that's what they all say it starts off as a little crush but the more time you spend with them the more you want to stay be there side forever. . . Speaking of the devil." Josh whispered the last part.

I looked over to see who it was and of course it had to been Charlie.

"Hey Josh where are the others."

"They're chilling outside." Josh said

Charlie nodded after hearing that as he looked over at me.

Gosh he really did look way more handsome than the last time I met him.

"Mei is everything alright, it looks like you got a bit lost there."

I didn't even realise I was out for that long. What was Charlie doing to me, I would not succumb to Charlie.

"Nothing everything fine over here, no need to worry about me." I said.

"Oh that's great. . . I just wanted to come here and say that I appreciate you." He said with a big smile on his face

Appreciate me?
Was he saying what I think he was saying.

No that couldn't be she had a loving girlfriend and a great friend of mine, but still there was a possibility of that.

He began to grab my hands, as I felt his rough big hands cup my small hands, what was going on.

It turned to a 0 to 100 real quickly.

"A-Appreciate me in what way?" I meekly said, trying my best to look away from him.

"I appreciate you being here. . . And I'd especially appreciate you if you donated to this charity."

"Donate to this charity. . . Of course I'm donating to this charity do you think I'm some mean person!" I slapped his shoulder continuously.

"In fact your right I don't you're a mean person."
Charlie stated.

I don't know why but that hurt more than it usually did, especially coming from him as I stopped my action.

"I'm sorry. . . I didn't mean to." I lowly said.

"I'm kidding Mei. . . But you could tone down that attitude of yours maybe then boys would find you attitude." Charlie chuckled.

All I could do was nod my head to his comment. Tone down my attitude? But this was my personality who I am I liked who I am, but if it made Charlie like me then maybe I'll take time to. . .


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