SS 13: Party

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AN: Hello KINGS! Since I've sort of neglected you guys for a while (I have a reason because I've been doing my exams which I'm smashing in) Here are a few chapters to quench your thirst!

"Pillows. Check! Blankets. Check! Snacks. Check! Now time to get ready for this party. Well done to us!" Ito smiled happily as you followed behind her with all the items she had listed, you were carrying.

"If you mean by us you mean by me?" You jokingly said setting up the stuff, as Ito whipped her head glaring at you.

That was what was needed for you to shut your mouth.

"Hey, where's Sae at by the way I could use his company." You groaned.

"I'm right here."

You looked at Sae who had just exited out of his room dripped out and ready to go.

"Alright then onwards!" Ito both pulled you two into a huddle.

"Holy fucking shit." You said as you looked at Sae who had the same reaction as you.

This wasn't any kind of party it was. . .

"You did not tell me this was a block party, Charlie," Sae said.

"Hey! I didn't know either." You shrugged your shoulders taking it all in.

"Ito just told me this was going to be a party." You grumbled as you nudged Ito who chuckled nervously.

"Surprise" She dazzled her hand at the both of you. As you both sighed at what was going to happen.

"Come on it's not that bad and besides we're not going to be outside the streets with these bunch of randos The real party is at the house now come along." She grabbed your hand, and Sae followed suit. It didn't take long for all of you to reach the front door steps as Ito knocked on the front door.

The person who had opened the door for us was none other than Mei.

"Ito! So glad that you could make it!" Mei went in for a big hug as Ito did the same.

Mei finally broke out of her big with Ito looking at Sae first but then at you.

Great it looked like she wanted you gone, dead.

"Good to see you loser." She muttered looking down at the ground, that was not the outcome you had expected.

You nodded your head as you all stepped inside the house and the first thing you locked your eyes on was Josh who was surrounded by his friends.

You stared at each other for a while, as Sae stayed slightly behind in preparation for anything that was going to go down.

"Look who it is people! The man of the fucking hour. . . The one that everyone's been talking about all night." Josh gave you a standing ovation, as he ushered his friends to go somewhere else in the house with him.

"That was awkward." You said.


Naomi rushed towards you with a big bear hug as she pressed herself onto you, wrapping her hands around you as she looked back up with a big smile on her face.

You thought it was a friendly gesture that friends did but it seemed to Ito it most certainly was the exact opposite.

You didn't need to look at Ito to know that she was steaming on the inside, but she was a confident person who wouldn't lash out.

You also felt sort of uncomfortable so you did your best to push her away gently, breaking out of the hug.

"Sae, Ito! I didn't even notice. Welcome!" Naomi moved on to hug Ito while she side-hugged Sae.

"Come guys! I got some friends from the student council you should meet." Naomi chirped as she forced you to move.

You all had arrived at the lounge room of the house where some friends of Naomi, hanging out sitting on the couch. You'd be lying if you said they weren't all gorgeous girls.

"Look who I brought!" Ito dazzled you with her hands to her friends, who all seemed amused at the spectacle.

"The girl with the bangs is Alma, the one with light purple hair is Martina and finally but not least the one with long hair is Camila."

You nodded your head as they all waved at you in delight.

"So what are you guys just hanging out here for."

"This is the main event! We're going to watch the UEFA Champions League Semi-final draw. You're going to watch."

Naomi pushed you down onto the couch where on one side was Ito and Sae sitting next to you and Naomi and her friends as well on the other side, turning the TV on.

"All the fans are wondering who will be versing who in the semi-final. Kenji, you will decide the two ties of the semi-final and so only four teams are left. It's Royale, Bastard Munchen, Ubers and P-X-G. These four teams are in these four balls in front of Kenji, I will shuffle. We are eager to see the semi-finals." Akira finished off by saying. Kenji placed his hand into the bowl once the balls had stopped rolling he grabbed the ball, twisting the ball to reveal what team he had picked first.

"Bastard Munchen U-20  has been drawn, and will play against. . ." Akira pointed at Kenji to shuffle the ball as he did so, grabbing a ball to unveil the next pick.

"P-X-G U-20! That is going to be an intense match don't you think Kenji?"

"That certainly will be." Kenji chuckled.

"So that means that Ubers and Royale will be versing one another to make it to the finals. Good luck to all the teams and hope for the best." Akira and Kenji nodded at the camera, ending the live coverage of it.

"Ubers? I didn't expect them to make it this far in." You said.

"In the game of football, anything can happen," Sae responded.

"You're right about that one Sae." You chuckled.

You looked over at the clock and it was getting late. You knew that even though Ito knew everyone here she felt uncomfortable after all she hadn't been at this school for a long time, even though she held this confident facade of hers, but you knew the real her, she was cracking under pressure.

You stood up from the couch, offering your hand out to Ito to grab onto as she stood up as well.

"Come on Sae it's time to go now."

Sae nodded standing up from the couch.

Before anyone could say anything you gave them a look to not ask them any questions, as you exited the house. If you had to be honest staying at home with the two of them was better than any. . .


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