SS 2: Acknowledgment

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(Sae's POV)

"Why'd you leave the room we could have gotten more information about this facility oniisan?" Rin said to me, as I sighed looking back at him with my usual look.

"Like I said it was a waste of time, no need to continue talking about it." I put my hands in my pocket heading towards our bus to go back home.

Rin simply nodded at my remark as he continued to walk by my side, we managed to arrive at our bus not long after. The bus driver said that they'll be ready in 30 minutes. How lukewarm, I thought to myself. Not only did I think that was lukewarm, but there was also another lukewarm thing, rather it was (Y/N) talking to the same girl as before.

He looked back noticing me as he said goodbye to his friend, coming towards me with a massive grin on his face.

"Hey Sae!, look who it is, so good to see you again." He walked up to me and he put his left hand forth, waiting for me to shake it.

I guess I shouldn't be rude so I shook his hand.

"When'd you guys leave the room?" (Y/N) asked me as I proceeded to give him an honest response.

"Not long after you did," I said as I looked at my brother, seeing how he would react to my conversation between (Y/N)

"Cool, cool, cool beans, so I guess Kaito and Hideo decided to stay huh." He looked down as he said his final comments, I simply nodded my head that's all I really could say.

"Anyways we need to talk." (Y/N) said with a serious look, I knew this talk wasn't going to involve my brother so I dismissed him.

I still had 20 minutes left until the bus would depart so we both decided to walk for a while until it was decided to sit on a bench with a couple of younger kids who looked like there were in elementary school playing football.

"So what did you think about Ego's idea about having 300 players who were strikers battle it out until 1 striker was left and picked to play in the World Cup?" (Y/N) questioned me as he looked at the kids playing, they seemed to have fun.

I gave thought to this, what Ego-sama was trying to do wasn't necessarily a bad idea, but it was a bad education. You thought it to be also inhumane in selecting a single striker to play in the World Cup.

"It's not a bad idea, but I'm simply not interested in the program known as Blue Lock." I simply looked up into the sky, seeing birds flapping their wings.

(Y/N) proceeded to look up in the air as well, seeing the same things I saw, simply chuckling to himself.

"You know we're quite the opposite but also quite similar at the same time." He laughed continuing to stare into the sky, as did I.

I could feel the silence it wasn't awkward silence but it was a silence that felt good, it was peaceful for once.

"How were those interviews?" I simply stated as I waited for his response.

"Same old, same old. People saying to me that the top European clubs like Manshine, P-X-G, Bastard Munchen, Ubers and even Royale wanting this guy you're looking at." He pointed at himself giving you a small smile.

I was shocked at his remark, although I didn't show it on my face, Royale also wanted him, just like me.

"So Real Madrid wants you as well, have you decided on whether or not you move, and have you told anyone about this?" I asked, curious about what his response would be.

"Well it is public news that these clubs are interested in me, but who knows after hearing about this program called Blue Luck I might be more inclined to join Real Madrid and hopefully face them. The Blue Lock players one day. It's not like they could develop some god-like players there am I right?" I could see the aura of happiness surrounding him, as you noticed that he too, liked the sense of competition.

"Have you told your brother that Royale is interested in you?" (Y/N) questioned.

"No, not yet I still have some time." I simply stated standing up as he did the same.

"Well before we head back, I'm interested in your abilities. I know you had some hidden tricks up your sleeves you didn't show as your team only pulled you down, let's have a duel." He chirped at me.

"Sure," I said.

The conversation ended there as we went back to the bus we saw Ruqa, Kaito, Hideo, Ito, Kaeda, and my younger brother talking and laughing with one another. what an odd group of people I thought to myself.

They noticed our presence as they waved us over. But Kaito simply strode in front of (Y/N) who was beside pointing his finger at him.

"We may be friends off the pitch, but once we're on the pitch again, I'll be sure to better you and gain the upper hand." Kaito looked at him with a determined look.

Was this the effect of staying in the room with Ego if I had decided to stay in the room would I have been acting this way?

I simply diminished these thoughts as if it was stupid. Meaningless thoughts.

I looked at (Y/N) face in hopes of finding a reaction, but what I did find was something much better than that.

"What a determined look on your face, I wonder how determined you really are once you know what you really got yourself into." He chuckled at Kaito.

Everyone except for my brother, Hideo and, I were shocked at the tension that they both had for each other. It was only ever going to grow more and more until it would finally burst.

Things were only getting started and you wondered how things would turn out.

But all I knew was that if I had to pick between the side of Blue Lock or (Y/N), I wouldn't hesitate to side with (Y/N).

After all, you did pique my interest, who knows where this relationship of ours will end up. As enemies? allies? or even friends. But all I knew at this moment.

Was that (Y/N) certainly gained my acknowledgment

A/N: With these chapters being football and plot-driven based content, I decided that a few of the next upcoming chapters will be exploring (Y/N)'s life outside of just football. Cheers.

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