54 | Advice from above

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A few hours later, Josie woke up from a nightmare. Worried, she grabbed to the left , but felt Dean's warm body next to her. So the whole procedure had happened after all.

"You okay?" inquired Sam from his corner.

He had grabbed a chair and a book to keep the two sleeping company. Startled, Josie's head whipped around in his direction.

 Startled, Josie's head whipped around in his direction

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"Yeah. Yeah, I guess," she mumbled, glancing at Dean once more before swinging her legs out of bed, "Sam, I know I should be glad he's back with us, but-"

Mid-sentence her voice failed, she didn't want to voice what was going on inside her, but Sam's look betrayed that he already knew what she was trying to tell him.

"You need time to process all of this. But I know that whatever was there between you two, will make it. Dean needs you, especially now! You put him back on the path of light and you're going to do it again," the hunter talked at her.

"But," Josie began, but she couldn't think of a counterargument before Sam cut her off.

"No 'buts'! I know Dean loves me, even if he wanted to kill me. But he loves you in a different way. While I may be the one giving him the hold so he doesn't fall off, it's you who's always pulled him up, when he did. You have no idea how much he was on the edge and just by being with you, he had found a purpose in life again. I never really managed to do that."

"That's because you're partly as broken as he is," she concluded, giving Sam a sympathetic smile, "As am I, but together I think we complement each other"

Purified, the huntress stood up and shuffled towards the door.

"You take care of your brother, I'm going to get some fresh air" she remarked briefly before stepping out the door and heading straight out of the bunker.

The night breeze blew around her nose and she took a deep breath. Seeking help, she looked up at the black sky.

"I don't want to let him down, but I can't be near him, I can't stand it!" she spoke into the void, not really expecting an answer, yet she got one.

"I know how you feel," said the voice.

Confused, she looked around, but there was no one here, at least no one who wanted to show himself.

Confused, she looked around, but there was no one here, at least no one who wanted to show himself

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