61 | Dean's secret

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While Dean and Josie were on their way home, Sam showed the slayer a few things that could help her in a hunt. After all, that was his duty as a Man of the Letters, even if he didn't tell her all the secrets by far. It was dangerous if this delicate knowledge fell into the wrong hands.

"You're very different from your brother," Tony noted, pocketing the notes he gave her, "I thought you were both rather ruthless men, as they say among hunters, but you seem more like a bookworm"

"Thanks?" replied Sam questioningly, not sure if that was even a compliment.

"I like hot nerds," she smirked, "I've definitely sworn off the bad boys thanks to your brother"

"Hey Sammy, guess who's back" Josie called, as if on cue, from the gallery and descended the stairs in a good mood, "It took longer, Dean got shot... the usual"

Relieved, Sam exhaled. They arrived just in time, talking to Tony was making him uncomfortable, considering what was between her and Dean. When the women saw each other, they both faltered for a moment.

"Oh, hey, I didn't know you had company," Josie muttered, looking at Sam in wonder.

"Actually, she's Dean's visitor," the younger Winchester corrected, as Dean now entered the bunker unsuspectingly as well.

Tony's predatory eyes tracked Dean, who hadn't even noticed them yet.

"Dean, what a pleasure to see you again," she growled, and Dean winced as he recognized the voice.

"Tony," he brought out softly, hardly believing his eyes.

"Oh, you actually know my name, didn't expect that".

"Wait, what's going on here?" interjected Josie, already having a vague idea of who the woman might be.

"Tony is..." stammered Dean, not quite sure how to put it.

"She's one of your exes, am I right?" gritted Josie, vehemently trying to suppress a rising jealousy, "And let me guess, you're pregnant now?!"

The slayer gave the stranger a reproachful look, but she just laughed contemptuously.

"Pha, no, luckily that arsehole never touched me," Antoinette defended herself, "At least not like that."

Astonished, Josie turned from the woman to Dean and raised an eyebrow questioningly as her lips formed the word arsehole.

"What the hell did you want from her?", Josie echoed, and you could tell Dean was definitely uncomfortable with this encounter.

He couldn't very well tell her that Tony was a Josie substitute for him, if she knew that, it would be over for good. Dean was sure that this fact would scare the brunette away. She would probably look at him with disgust and turn away.

"Let me guess, you're Josephine?" interrupted Tony before Dean could answer.

"Um, yeah, but no one calls me that but my parents, my name is Josie. How do you know that?" she asked confused, looking to Dean again, "Did you tell her about me?"

"No," Dean confessed, squinting guiltily at Tony, "At least indirectly."

"Darling, your boyfriend kept calling me Josephine" Tony solved the mystery, but it seemed to irritate Josie even more.

"Why?" the confused one brought out.

"I guess he's a little too into you," Tony hissed, squinting disgustedly at Dean.

The latter found himself cornered and his only escape was into the garage.

"DEAN!" shouted Josie after him, but that only drove him away faster.

"Be glad he's running away, you'd better be!" advised Tony to the huntress.

"I'd really like to know what he's done to you that you're reacting to each other like this?", Josie prompted her and sat down at a table with her.

Antoinette looked down at her shoes and took a deep breath before telling the story again, this time in more detail.

"I really thought I was going to get lucky with men for once, and when he introduced himself as Winchester I couldn't believe it. I mean there are only hero stories about the brothers and that's why I got involved with him. He was very charming and didn't press me in the least, so I thought nothing of it and took him home. Actually, I expected that we would end up in bed, but he didn't even want a kiss. That's when I first got suspicious, but since I didn't know him, I assumed it was just his way. And then he started playing this game with me," Tony told, while Josie listened silently, "At some point he started calling me Josephine. Man, even then I didn't think of anything bad, maybe he wanted to keep it non-committal and we gave each other aliases, but no, he still wanted to be called by his name. Believe me darling, where I come from there really are a lot of perverts who are into kinky role play, but what he was asking for was far from normal."

Josie's eyes widened, anticipating Dean's darkest preferences and not sure she even wanted to know them.

"After I refused to play his game any longer at some point, he got angry and I got my guns out, and then his hounding began. I dug in and just shot, grazing him in the process. That made him so mad he demolished half my place. I saw the black demon eyes and the will to kill. Ready to fight, I wanted to kill him, but damn, he was way too strong. Stronger than any guy I've ever busted and stronger than any demon I've killed"

"He wasn't a normal demon either, and killing him wouldn't have done any good, he would have come back because he was a knight of hell at the time," Josie informed the other huntress, "But then what happened, that couldn't possibly be all?"

"No, that's far from all. Dean dragged me into the boiler room and tied me to the boiler with a damn clothesline because he knew no one could hear me scream in there. He threatened me that if I didn't play along he would let me die in agony, as was his mission, and directly demonstrated his power by cutting me once across the face, and all the time he was waving that old blade around. I still refused but after he broke my arm, I gave in and just did what he asked."

Tony broke off short and didn't seem as tough as before

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Tony broke off short and didn't seem as tough as before. Sympathetically, Josie grabbed Antoinette's hand and swallowed. Hearing that gave her a whole new and unexpected view of Dean.

"Did he make you...sleep with him?"


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