70 | sweet home, Louisiana

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Early on, Dean's cell phone woke him up. He quickly picked it up and hurried out of Josie's room before she woke up, too.

"Sammy?" he whispered in the hallway, closing the door behind him.

"Dean? Why are you whispering?", Sam echoed, also whispering.

"To not wake Josie," he clarified to his brother, continuing to speak normally.

"You're serious? I'm not home for one night and you-"

"We didn't - never mind, now tell me, what did you get?"

"I interviewed the widow and she said her husband had been hanging out with a guy named Jackson lately. She thought he was weird, but her husband was seeing Jackson the night he died. I did a search for him on the internet, nothing, like he'd never exist. Right now I'm still waiting for the city office to call me back," Sam reported, "You try finding out anything from Josie about her fiancé, maybe Andy knew a 'Jackson' before he died too."

Inevitably Dean screwed up his face and just grumbled in agreement before ending the conversation with Sam. Things were just starting to look up again with him and Josie, if he reminded her about Andy again now, she might back out again. And he could forget all his hopes for a night together on her birthday. Dean leaned against the wall, tapping the edge of his phone thoughtfully against his forehead. Quietly, the door opened beside him.

 Quietly, the door opened beside him

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"Who was that?" asked a tired voice.

"Sammy," Dean replied, smoothing her disheveled hair, "He's getting a unicorn for you right now"

"Nice" Josie yawned, blinking at her counterpart still half dozing, "I hope it's pink and tastes like gingerbread"

Inevitably Dean had to laugh and pushed her towards the kitchen.

"You really need some coffee, honey".

"Why are you so slept in?" Josie wanted to know, sitting down limply in her chair, "And why am I tired all the time?"

"Because you barely sleep," he reminded the woman, running the coffee through the machine.

"I never sleep well when there's a full moon, not since..." she mumbled, stifling herself from talking further, knowing how much Dean hated hearing about Andy.

"Was Andy actually with anyone when he died?" the hunter inquired, since the opportunity was just right for him.

"Yeah, he was out drinking with some friends, but no one saw anything, they just told me he moved on to another bar with some dude".

"Do you remember the guy's name?"

"Why would you want to know that?", Josie paused skeptically.

"Just asking, we never really talked about what actually happened," Dean deftly turned out and handed Josie her mug.

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