13• Love Happens

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She pulled back from the hug, held her cheek gently, and looked over her face.
"Kiss me", she muttered.

"Debs," Lou said weakly. The shock was visible on her face. She felt like her brain neurons suddenly dissipate. Am I hearing things? I guess I'm drunk.

"Lou I-"

I love you.

Debbie swallowed the words back in her throat, too afraid to say such a bold thing.

"I want you. So please, kiss me," she pleaded.

Lou was silent at her words, jaw clenching. Her heart pounded in her chest. She knows it's drunk talk. She's always out of control when drunk, we even got married in her drunken whim right?... and Debbie is in a very altered state of mind due to alcohol but... damn it! She dying to kiss her fervently.

Lou internally debated. She's in panic, her wife, the woman of her dreams pleading for a kiss.

"Debs. I... I can't, we can't, you're drunk hon, you'll regret this once you're sober." This thought is what holds Lou back, reasoning with the very few neurons in her brain that still functions that Debbie might regret it once she's sober.

"Do you have to make everything so difficult? just fucking kiss me, Lou!" Debbie grunts. She was about to walk away when Lou grabbed her.

Her voice was low, rough. "Are you sure? Can you handle the demands that will come with this?"

The distance closed between them as she moved closer, Lou cupped her face and stare at her brown orbs. "I can only take so much Debbie. I am no saint."

"Show me... Kiss me," Debbie begs desperately, snaking her arms around Lou's neck. She's looking straight in her ocean blues. There it was again. That look in Lou's face, those eyes. Is it longing? Why? all her thoughts evaporate when she felt Lou's lips on hers.

Lou had lost all the reasons. She pressed their lips together. Kissing her as if she were air and she desperately needed her to breathe.

Their breaths mingled as their tongues connected. Debbie gasps and Lou takes the opportunity and kisses her deeper. Grabbing hold of her waist, and pulling her closer.

Lou's tongue licking over her bottom lip desperate for entrance and her lips part to welcome her. Their tongues colliding hungrily. Debbie moans at the sensation.

When the need to breathe eventually surpasses the need to be connected. They pull away and keep their foreheads pressed together as they desperately pant in time.

When Lou opens her eyes, a devilish smirk forms across Debbie's lips. "You want me Lou, don't you?"

She swallowed thick. Hearts beating fast. Fuck! Insanely. I'd go to hell for this. For you Debbie. "I do," she whispered.

"And you never kissed me like that before?"

Lou leans closer. Her hot breath touches Debbie's ear and she whispers, "Because if I do, then I won't be able to stop at that." It sounds like a plead warning.

"How bad do you want me, Miller?" She grinned and slid her fingers at the hem of her vest. Grazing in between the waistband of her pants. Fingers running along the edges between skin and fabric.

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