23• Wounds time cannot erase.

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"Deborah Ocean I swear—"

"What? What is it this time?"

"I asked you to take a break, a vacation. Not to make a fucking scandal with a newly divorced man!"

"What scandal are you talking about Tammy?" Debbie held back her laughter, hearing Tammy's worried voice.

"You are all over the news Debbie. Where are you?"

"On the bed. In the middle of Maldives island where you threw me. Did you forget?"

"Where is he?"

"Beside me." Debbie was choking on silent laughter while swirling the colored drinks in her hands. She was just teasing Tammy. She was outside enjoying the magnificent ocean view under the blazing sun of Maldives.

"Goddamn it Deborah." Tammy sensed her lies. "So are you with him?"

"Yeah, we met on the plane. And figures he'll be good company while I'm on this greatest vacation of my life away from your nagging so I let him join me. And now you're calling me again disturbing my peace."

"Debbie. I'm serious. Are you with Claude?"

"I'm not kidding either, he's here with me. We are drinking cocktails."

"Are you dating him, Debbie?"

"You crazy? Of course not. Why do you always believe those photos taken by stupid paparazzi? Don't you remember the last time with Daphne Kluger and..." she paused and let out a deep sigh. "Don't tell me you only called me because of those photos?"

"No, it's about the Candy company."

"What about it?" Debbie asked as she lifted the glass with a coral orange drink into her lips and took a slow sip.

"Their corporate representatives won't meet our investors."

Candy is a software company headquartered in Australia. They moved to LA ten years ago. The company sells database software and technology to businesses and corporations. Now, they want to specialize and focus on search engine technology and online advertising. They'll need expert coaches and they are having management issues that's why they wanted firms to help them. And OVC is the perfect firm for them but it seems like they are having competitors since Candy refused to meet with OVC. I'll check that when I get back. Debbie made a silent reminder in the back of her mind.

"I want to be part of that company. It'll be a very good investment in the long run. These opportunities don't always walk into our office, Tammy. Believe me, it'll be one of the most powerful companies in the world. And I'll be part of it. Tell them they cannot come back until they meet with them. Now if that's all can we hang up? I don't want to stress myself over that right now."

Tammy can imagine Debbie's eyes brightening as she speaks. A company that takes her interest is the only thing that makes her friend happy in all those years that she's been apart from her blonde. It's rare for her to find a company that shares the same vision as her that's why she was so eager to meet with them. And she knows Debbie will do anything to get what she wanted and she'll help her in every way she can.

"Okay, I'll tell them. Bye and enjoy. Don't let yourself be photographed again."

"I don't have control over that."

"I'm sorry," Alex muttered as soon as she put down her phone.

"Not your fault. And I miss her nagging too."

"So you want to be on board with Candy too?"

"Of course. Who wouldn't want to be part of it?"

"Hmn. I heard the founder wanted to focus on her family since she recently got married. So when the LA headquarters decided to specialize in search engine technology and online advertising they sought help from other firms to manage the company."

"That's right. And that firm, it'll be OVC."

"You're so confident, but I heard their corporate representatives won't easily meet with outsiders."

"Did you forget who I am?"

"The Debbie Ocean, yeah. But how are you, really?"

"I'm good."


"Yeah." She was rotating the ring on her finger. "Why, do I look not okay to you?"

"Well, the first time I met you, you had this glow that radiates from you but it was gone now and your eyes look. . . lifeless," His gaze moved down her hands and her fingers. "You're still wearing your wedding bands."

"Uhm never had the chance to give it back to her."

"You still love her?"

Love? What an understatement. I'm living and breathing for her. She scoffs as her eyes wander off to the ocean.

The sky and ocean blended together, that incredible shade of blue. I miss them, her eyes. "It's been five long years, Claude. We're long over."

"You didn't answer me."

"That's my answer. Any plans for today?" Debbie asked to change the subject of their conversation.

"Well, parasailing is one."

"Oh god. I can't join you in that. Gliding through the air wearing an open parachute while being towed by a motorboat. I'll stop breathing in the air if I were to try that." She laughed loudly.

Then she remembered the memories from five years ago in Las Vegas. She was so afraid of doing a zipline at that time, but whenever Lou holds her hand. Whenever she holds her in her arms. All her fear dissipates into the air. If it was Lou who would ask Debbie to join her in parasailing she'd probably say yes in a heartbeat. Because like how Lou would follow her through the depths of hell. Debbie was no different.

"Afraid of heights. Then let's go snorkeling."

"That, I'd love that... let's go!"

 Lou was enjoying the stunning mountain and city views of Downtown LA, Beverly Hills beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows of her office when her secretary knocked on her door.

"Come in."

"Ms. Miller, investors from OVC want to meet with you."

"They're fast," she whispered with a smirk. OVC can clearly help them not only with funds but also with strategic and operational issues. Candy can make use of OVC's expertise, but is she ready to face her ex-wife?

She sighed as she step away from the sight of city views and turn to her seat. She settled into the soft leather seat and reached for the neatly folded Financial Times on the table and began reading.

"Shall I tell them to wait?" Pamela asked.

"No, I have no plans on meeting with them. Ask them to leave." After hearing her instruction Pamela left her office, leaving Lou with a sudden sadness overwhelming her. "Debbie Ocean, are we going to cross paths again?" She sighed as she remembered the night she left her. The night when her life came crashing down.


A/n: i was thinking of using CEB or Fortis sandy's production house and then I saw candy in my tags so ended up using it. 😆😆

~arggg I want to publish atleast 2 chapters a week but my deadlines has its hands around my neck.😵😵 so here's a very short chapter.🙃

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