51• LA

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A week passed quickly. The holiday is over and everyone returns home. Debbie thought Lou would go back to New York with her, but that didn't happen. She forgot for a while that they both had their separate lives now. Each had their own home to return to and a company to run.

As soon as Debbie walked into her office, Tammy notified her of her meeting following the finalization of their new acquisition. Debbie frowned because she had just returned. Her seat hadn't even warmed up yet and she had to attend a series of meetings. Nevertheless, she made her way to the private meeting room. It would be a busy day, she thought. But that was to be expected after returning from a holiday vacation.

The meetings were long and boring and Debbie could hardly pay attention. They didn't really need her in there, but it couldn't hurt to show a personal interest in the new acquisition. She looked at the document they'd all known they would agree to before this pointless meeting ever started, then she zoned out midway. She thought of all the other things she could be doing with her time, and how this meeting was nothing more than a waste. She sighed, knowing she would have to get through it.

Debbie folded her arms across her chest and got lost in memories of Lou during their holiday vacation. Even though it hasn't been twenty-four hours since they separated, she already misses her. She looked fondly at the photos on her phone that they took together, running her finger across the images of their happy faces. Lou had made her feel alive and loved. It was like a dream - being able to be with her again, and she knew life would never be the same without her.

Lou didn't call her last night to check on her when she said she would. Debbie didn't pay heed to it since she was tired from the long hours of travel. She fell asleep as soon as she threw herself down on the bed. The thought of her wife made her want to go back to LA. To just leave everything behind in New York and be with her.

It suddenly dawned on her, what if she proposed Candy's acquisition? Would Lou agree with her? If she agrees they can work together again like before, and they will always be together. Debbie's mind began devising proposals and she expertly made calculations in her mind. She was sure her plan would give a remarkable increase that would lead to a new record for both companies. With OVC's expertise, her company is equipped to help Candy in every way possible. And having OVC and Candy under one roof, this unique combination of skills and resources is set to create new opportunities for both companies.

She opened her message box and wanted to send a quick message to Lou. However, she realized the blonde hadn't responded to her messages earlier when she greeted her good morning. So texting her about her plans quickly jumped out the window. She decided to just wait until later in the day to reach out to Lou, when she was sure that she would have seen the message. She focused her attention back on the meeting and continued working.

Lou didn't call her during lunch too. She was probably busy. Lou was an important person in her company with plenty of things to accomplish, Debbie silently thought. Her phone was silent all afternoon as well. Probably meetings. Late meetings. Lou probably worked late.

It was eight in the early evening. Eight o'clock wasn't too late for Debbie to be holed up in her office due to her piled-up work from the extended holiday she had. It's a normal routine for her, that's how she survived five years without Lou. Staying in the office until late and overworking herself.

Debbie checked her phone for the nth time. Still no reply from Lou. Are you ghosting me, Lou?

When she came home, she was still uncertain about what exactly had gone wrong between falling asleep in each other's arms and the morning after when they left Malibu. Debbie sat in stunned silence for a moment. She wondered if Lou was just busy or deliberately ignoring her.

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