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Y/n Pov
I was sitting down while playing on my phone I wasn't alone tho
Takemichi and Hinata is also here with me we were on a train
But there slightly one small problem..
"Can you believe this picture?"
"Gosh their loud" I heard Takemichi said while looking at three brats
There was three boys chatting loudly and laughing that almost all of these people on the train can hear them
But I noticed an old lady
💭She's uncomfortable..💭 I thought while looking at her I closed my phone and stand up making my way to these three boys and when I reached them
"Hey!" I said to the black haired boy
I moved my face a bit close to him while looking pissed at them all
"Your taking too much space" I said
I turned my head to the other two and said
"It's fine when there aren't that many people on"
They said "Yeah.." in sync and moved to make a space for the old lady to sit

" in sync and moved to make a space for the old lady to sit

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"Good.." I said
I went to the old lady and said "ma'am u can rest here no need to stand now"

"Why, thank you so much young lady" she said and went over to sit I made my way back to my brother and Hinata "Finally some peace" I said while sitting down and go back to play with my phone "That was so kind of you to do for that lady N/n!" I hea...

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"Why, thank you so much young lady" she said and went over to sit
I made my way back to my brother and Hinata
"Finally some peace" I said while sitting down and go back to play with my phone
"That was so kind of you to do for that lady N/n!" I heard Hinata said
"Thanks I guess.." I respond
Takemichi's Pov
Y/n said she well go somewhere to eat so I went to Hinata to help me studying and we went to her place
"Woaahhh, I've never been in a girl's room before, we'll other than Y/n's room"
I said while looking around Hinata's room
"Well you stop gawking" Hinata said while holding my cheek and pinch it

Takemichi's PovY/n said she well go somewhere to eat so I went to Hinata to help me studying and we went to her place"Woaahhh, I've never been in a girl's room before, we'll other than Y/n's room"I said while looking around Hinata's room "Well you...

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