The lion of the day

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Y/n's Pov
I was watching some videos until my moment got ruined by Takemichi's yelling my name and said
"Y/n!, get dressed in your Toman uniform, Mikey called me to go to Musashi shrine and meet him there!"
"Okay, give me a minute!" I yelled back
I got off from the bed and went to my closet to get my Toman uniform and getting ready
"Man, i want to sleep.." I groaned a bit while saying it
"Let's go.." I said to myself while heading downstairs to meet takemichi outside with his bike
Once we reached to shrine we didn't see anyone or any bike well except for Mikey's bike
"Eh.." I was confused so I looked around to see Mikey sitting ontop of the shrine's stairs
"He's here" I said to takemichi and pointed where was Mikey
We walked towards him until he noticed us approaching him
"N/n, takemitchy" mikey greeted us with a smile
"Hello!" I said while making a peace sign
"Mikey-kun" Takemichi called him
"Sorry for taking your times, takemitchy, N/n" Mikey said looking up towards the night sky
I shook my head signing him it was okay
"Here, come sit beside me , N/n, don't want you to stand for too long, the same goes for you, takemitchy" Mikey said while patting the floor signing me to sit here, so I went beside him and sat down next to Mikey
"So, takemitchy...tell me about it" Mikey spoke
"Hm?" Me and Takemichi hummed in confusion
"Tell me everything about you coming from the future" Mikey said while looking directly at takemichi who just gulped before explaining and told me and Mikey everything
While he was explaining, Mikey just sat down silently listening to every word coming from Takemichi's mouth
And when takemichi reached the end of the explanation, he broke down in tears and kept saying
"I am sorry, Mikey!!"
"I couldn't save Emma..!"
"I am sorry, I truly am, i am so sorry!"
It broke my heart seeing my brother in this state, he tried his best..
"It's weird" Mikey spoke
"The first time I saw you, you were beaten up so badly in that fight with kiyomasa, but your back was bigger than anyone on the field that day, it's as if you were carrying many burdens, Takemichi is my hero, and when I saw Y/n, I knew she was different from the other girls, and when I saw how she kept standing up to protect you, I knew she was the one " he continued and said the last two sentences while smiling and then he stood up from his sitting position and said
"I thought I would be creating the 'Era'"
"Get up takemichi, n/n" Mikey spoke while helping me standing up
Then I heard some footsteps coming towards the shrine it was more than one person..
"Can you guys hear that, these are the footsteps of our Era!" Mikey said while grinning and then he brought me closer to him
I saw almost the whole Toman members walking towards the shrine with a smile on their faces
"Endlessly trying to save everyone when you're beaten down!, you who keeps on fighting and never gives up!" Mikey said with a loud tone
"You have Created this Era" he continued to yell while we all faced the whole Toman members
I backed away a little letting Mikey have his moment with his members
He looked so proud and he was smiling widely

But his smile fade away and looked down before facing his members again and said yelling "Listen everyone!!, we have made a lot of sacrifices, but after defeating tenjiku, Toman is now Japan's top gang! Right now!, we have created a great era that...

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But his smile fade away and looked down before facing his members again and said yelling
"Listen everyone!!, we have made a lot of sacrifices, but after defeating tenjiku, Toman is now Japan's top gang! Right now!, we have created a great era that will be handed down to generations to come!"
And then he lower his voice a little and continued his speech
"That's why I want to end it all while we're at the top"
"Huh?" I was confused by what he meant but let him continue and the next thing he said made my world stopped
"AS OF TODAY, THE TOKYO MANJI GANG IS DISBANDED" Mikey yelled with a grin on his face
"What..?" I said mumbling

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