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Y/n's Pov
"That's about as much as shin told me, he protected an unknown boy with the power of time" wakasa said
"I guess it's just caused and effect" Mikey said
I just stood there shock
💭so we met shinichiro..💭 I thought
"A couple of days later after you gained that ability, shinichiro died" Mikey said looking down before looking up at us
Everyone was silent no one dared to speak


"The "curse" shinichiro created by killing the time leaper..that is what my "dark impulse" are..i effected everyone around him, the same was probably true for Kazutora back then, the karma that I've carried—" mikey, he then reached out his hand to his chest and before continuing
"This "dark impulse" it's eating away at me..thump, thump, thump, stronger and stronger..i can't seem to control it anymore, that's why I pushed my friends away, that's why I pushed you, y/n! I had no choice but to leave, i feel like I'm about to berserk"
" don't have to hold back anymore" i said whispering a bit loudly for him and takemichi to hear
"Huh?" Mikey looked at me in confusion


Takemichi walked and stood next to me and nodded his head and spoke
"The second generation Tokyo manji gang..was formed just to save you, so please release your dark impulse with all you've got"
I nodded my head as an agreement with my brother and smiled a bit
"Please, we can help you" i mumbled to him
"I can see the future, so I'll be able to do something about it" takemichi said and made a fist for Mikey to fist-bump him and continued talking
"With the help of my sister we can crush your dark impulse, you can let go, mikey"
And then, all of the sudden..everything went silence but I can see mikey's mouth moving, he was talking, but all I heard was that ringing sound
💭Not this again..💭 i thought and crouched down silently
"Protect him" a sudden voice appeared, it sounded familiar but I couldn't know who it was
I make a confusing face and thought
"Your brother..PROTECT HIM!!" the voice yelled loudly and then everything went back to normal
"MY KATANA!!" I heard sanzu's yell
My eyes widen and looked at Mikey who just rushed at my brother with a katana

I saw takemichi having a deep scratch on his arm while his uniform's sleeve was half ripped off, everything happened so fast!!I didn't think twice before standing up quickly and ran towards my brother and made a 'T' pose until I felt a shark pain ...

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I saw takemichi having a deep scratch on his arm while his uniform's sleeve was half ripped off, everything happened so fast!!
I didn't think twice before standing up quickly and ran towards my brother and made a 'T' pose until I felt a shark pain on my stomach
"S-shit.." I mumbled and noticed the katana was not only went through my body but also Takemichi's
"Y/N!!/ TAKEMITCHY!!" Almost everyone yelled loudly for our names
"Y-Y/n, Why?!" Takemichi spoke while breathing heavily
"Dummy, you think..I'll let you die on your own?" I spoke shakily before looking at the Mikey who's infront of me still looking at me with these empty eyes


I gulped a bit before reaching out my hands, one from the back of his head and the other oh his back, and pulled him into a hug
"Manjiro.." I mumbled his name
"Manjiro, I won't lose, we won't lose, we'll carry your dark impulse, and if you do something stupid, I'll kick your ass, you are my friend " I heard my brother spoke from behind, i let go of holding Mikey's head from the back and reached my hand from behind to take Takemichi's hand and hold him, i didn't know why I did that but i felt like I need to do it while my other hand still holding mikey's back holding him tightly
"Takemitchy..N/n?" I heard Mikey's voice called us and I couldn't help but smile a little and soften my eyes
💭finally he's back💭 I thought and didn't realized that a tear start to fall down from my eye

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