Have never seen anything like it

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Y/n's Pov
I was currently walking around the city with my brother who's still spacing out, and with draken. We're heading towards Draken's house in shibuya
"OI..takemichi" I tried to call my brother and this is the third time calling him
💭he's really deep on his thoughts, huh?💭 I thought and looked at draken signing him for some help
"Takemichi/takemitvhy!" Me and draken called him in sync and that made him snap out of his thoughts
"Finally.." I said
"What're you spacing out for?" Draken said and turn to look at takemichi while walking
"A-Ah..my bad" Takemichi said giving me and draken an apologizing look
Once we reached to Draken's house I stopped infront of the tall building looking at it
"Woah! This brings up some memories!!" Takemichi said looking at the building
"This is my first time being here..and my first time visiting your place, draken" I said while rubbing my neck chuckling nervously
We went in and I kept following michi and draken who's talking and I felt like I was some lost puppy following them around
"It's on the fourth floor, right?" I heard Takemichi said before entering the elevator
"Good memory!" Draken said smiling proudly at takemichi
"Let's see the fourth floor...here!" I heard michi mumbled and clicked the number four button
Suddenly takemichi backed away a little almost bumping into me while clenching onto his shirt looking at it with a horror face
Takemichi's Pov
I clenched onto my shirt seeing some..blood?! Covered my shirt

Back to Y/n's Pov "T-takemichi

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Back to Y/n's Pov
"T-takemichi..?" I tried to call him but he just kept looking at his clothes with the same look on his face
"Takemichi..you're scaring me, what's wrong..?" I said while walking towards michi and put a hand on his shoulder
"What's the matter takemichi, Y/n?" We bith heard draken spoke looking at us confused
"No, nothing!" I said with a smile and turned to look at takemichi and asked him quietly
"You okay?"
"Y-yeah..no need to worry!" Takemichi said I sighed giving up and decide not to push it for him
We all got out from the elevator and draken walked to the front saying
"I am back"
"Hey" I heard someone's voice
I peeked through Draken's body and I saw an old man talking to draken, draken noticed me and pushed me and Takemichi infront and said
"Y/n, Takemichi, this is the guy that raised me, masawei-san!"
I bowed a little to the man while takemichi immediately bowed while saying
The man looked at me takemichi and said
"Yeah, I think you've been here, before but—" and then he looked at me and continued
"I haven't seen this young lady before"
"Ah..this is Y/n Hanagaki a sister of takemitchy" Draken said smiling
The man hummed in respond giving me a small yet a tiny smile and I smiled back at him
We continued to follow draken in some hallway that was full of doors
The first three doors opened in sync revealing some ladies and they looked at draken and each of them said
"Ken-kun, please walk me home today~!" The First Lady said
And draken simply replied "yeah"
"Ken-kuuun, can you come by later to talk?" The second lady said
And again draken replied with a bored face "yeah, later"
"Let me touch you abs today!" The third lady said
💭I BEG YOUR PARDON?!💭 I thought feeling my soul almost left my body
"No way" Draken said and continued to walk ignoring these three ladies walking past them, and me and Takemichi followed him silently
"Are the girls from before still here?" I heard Takemichi asked
💭e-eh..what girl— IS HE CHEATING ON HINA?!💭 I thought
"Not a single one of 'em is here, of course. This industry has a pretty high turnover rate, after all" Draken said replied beofre we enter a room and I guess that room is Draken's room
"Huh? Your room's bigger now!" I heard Takemichi said looking around And I couldn't help but do the same
"Yeah, they vacated this old storage room for me"
"Eh..michi" I called my brother and pointed at some photos glued on Draken's wall
"Woah! You've got a ton of Toman pictures" I heard Takemichi said taking a close look and so did i
"Eh? Michi Look..that's us, we're here too!" I said pointing a picture of me and Takemichi laughing with..manjiro
Takemichi looked at the picture that I saw and noticed my sad expression on my face and patted my head saying
"It's fine..we will get him back.." I heard Takemichi said in a calm tone
We continue to look at the picture until I noticed
Emma's picture, she was smiling happily

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