Crying and confession

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Y/n's Pov
I opened my eyes seeing a white ceiling
"Hm.." I hummed and tried to sit up but when I tried to sit up someone hold my hand to stop me
I turned to see that person it was Mikey
Who was looking at me with widen eyes
"Y-You're awake" he said
"I will go and go and get the doctor, don't move too much" he said and he went out to get the doctor
I was confused why i am here, but I remember something
💭The fight..Baji!..Toman, is everyone okay?💭 I thought
But I snapped out of my thoughts when Mikey and the doctor got in
The doctor ordered Mikey to go and wait outside the door until he's done checking me
Mikey nodded his head and went outside
The doctor said i am doing okay now BUTTTTT I have to stay here for few days
"Come on..this place sucks" I mumbled
When the doctor got out of the room Mikey went in and pulled a chair beside me
And then he went towards me and hugged me
"I am not protecting you again" he said
"You always out your self in danger..why?" He continued
I just hugged him back and I smiled saying
"Mikey..i don't like seeing you sad I protected baji because I knew he was precious to you and he is your best friend too..and I don't want anyone from Toman getting hurt"
He didn't respond but I felt something wet on my shoulder
"Mikey..are you crying?" I said worrying
He didn't respond again
I pulled him from the hug and I hold his face turning it to face me and he is crying indeed
It Broke  my heart seeing him like that
"Sorry for making you worry again.." I said
He wiped his tears and chuckled a bit
And the next thing that caught me off guard is him putting his forehead on mine
"That's why I choose you, you always care about others, and I won't forgive myself if I didn't protect you again because you don't care about yourself but you do to me and Toman, you can fight, and you're strong, and also a walking goddess to me, but the only little problem is you keep making me worry about you.." he said smiling
I was to stunned to reply but I managed to speak
"What do you mea—" I was cut off when I felt something on my lips
He is kissing me!
He climbed on-top of the hospital's bed and put his hand on the back of my head deepening the kiss, I was shocked but I kissed him back putting my hand on his chest and I am sure I am burning red right now
He pulled away after that 2 minutes kiss and looked at my face and smirked a bit
"You.."  my heart beating so fast that I couldn't find the right words to say something
I looked at him and he was looking at me trying to catch his breath so I looked the other way while pulling my own hair

"  my heart beating so fast that I couldn't find the right words to say something I looked at him and he was looking at me trying to catch his breath so I looked the other way while pulling my own hair

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"Is my little Y/n blushing?" He said while getting closer and closer to me
That's when I pulled the hospital blanket and hide in it
"Shut up" I said
I peeked a bit and i saw him laughing

"Is my little Y/n blushing?" He said while getting closer and closer to me That's when I pulled the hospital blanket and hide in it "Shut up" I said I peeked a bit and i saw him laughing

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