Takes two to tango

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Y/n's Pov
I walked back to Takemichi again standing next to him and whispered
"Hey michi..I know you saw a Vision, but what was it about?"
He looked at me a bit shocked but whispered back saying
"I-I don't know..but, south was laying on the floor covered in blood, and I saw myself in the vision sitting down next to south saying 'south's dead'"
"What?!" I whispered yelling before looking at Mikey facing south.
"Heeh~ you finally made a move, sano manjiro" south said while grinning
"m-mikey-kun" Takemichi called mikey while trembling
"You..what are you up to now.." takeomi said while looking at mikey nervously
I saw senju stood up on her feets while panting and yelled
But instead of Mikey replying to her, he send her a cold glare that made chills ran through my body
"You wanna die next?" Mikey said asking still glaring at senju before turning his attention to south
💭Manjiro..please wake up💭 I thought
"LET'S GO MIKEY, LET'S BEGIN THE REQUIM'S FINAL!!" South yelled loudly before making a fist to punch Mikey, and once south start rushing towards him with a fist, mikey raised his leg and kicked him like it was a peace of cake for him
"Holy shit!" I mumbled and covered my mouth looking shocked at how he managed to kick south that easily


3rd Person's Pov
The pair continue striking each other simultaneously, with South loudly proclaiming his delight at finding a nearly equal opponent. However, they are interrupted when Takemichi places himself between the two, making Y/n shocked, and angering South.


Back to Y/n's Pov
"Takemi-" I was about to call him but I got interrupted by my own brother hearing him yelling saying
"TAKEMICHI HANAGAKI, YOU SHIT! WHY DID YOU STOP US?!" South asked furiously but takemichi ignored him, and continued speaking directly to Mikey
"You gotta stop this..or else south will die!" Takemichi said while shedding tears, making south looking at him confused

or else south will die!" Takemichi said while shedding tears, making south looking at him confused

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"You can't stop destroying things, can you? I'm the same. That's why I am here to destroy you" Mikey said and then walked to takemichi and reached out his hand to hold his right arm while saying
"You—" and then in a swift motion, he breaks Takemichi's elbow over his knee while saying
"are in my way"
"AAAAGHH!!" Takemichi groaned in pain while holding his broken arm
"TAKEMICHI!!" I yelled and rushed towards my brother who's crying over his broken arm
"Damn it..it hurts so much!!" Takemichi whimpered and continued to cry
"Now then..how do you want to die?" Mikey said while glaring at south who starts trembling in fear
"DON'T DO IT, MIKEY-KUN!!" Takemichi yelled while holding his arm and continued to groan
Mikey ignored my brother's words and walked towards south and suddenly punched him making him lay down on the ground with just one punch, and then he sat in top of south's laying body, and continued to punch him nonestop
I looked down at takemichi who still crying while holding his arm
💭Manjiro..YOU'RE SO DONE FORTHIS!!💭 I thought while frowning looking down

YOU'RE SO DONE FORTHIS!!💭 I thought while frowning looking down

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