The living legends

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Y/n's Pov
"Hey, hey..don't get in my way, brahman" south said smiling at the person who's wearing a hoodie
"If you're going to lead people, take notice of those behind you too.." the person said taking off his hoodie
I studied his features for a minute
it was man in his mid 20s with a tall and slender frame and a slicked-back mullet in the colors of black and blond. He has a prominent scar that runs vertically down the right side of his face, starting from his forehead down to the rightmost corner of his thin lips, and he was wearing a uniform primarily consisted of an oversized hoodie with the gang logo etched on the backside and a matching typography of the words "Black Dragon" on the sleeves. Along with the hoodie

 Along with the hoodie

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💭wait..ANOTHER GANG?!💭 I thought and I noticed behind the the hoodied man were so many members of his gang
💭JUST HOW MANY ARE THEY HERE RIGHT NOW?!💭 I thought and looked left and right
I felt some liquid touched my nose coming up from the sky and then it started raining
"What did ya come here for, brahman?!" South Said yelling a bit
"It's started raining, huh. Shin always told me "you're the number one rain man in japan"" the man with the scar on his right eye said and took off his cigarette from his mouth and threw it away and yelled loudly
"You're not the one we're here for, rokuhara tendai!! We're here for the hanagaki siblings!!"
Takemichi and I flinched when we heard him calling both of us
"W-what, huh?!" I mumbled and went closer to michi feeling nervous
"We came to scout you two" the man with the scar said smiling
"Huh, us?!" Takemichi said pointing at himself and then me repeatedly making sure the man is talking about us none else
"Yeah, I want you two" the man with the scar said
"W-why us—" Takemichi got cut off by someone who looked kind of familiar
"Hey, hey, hey!! We can't ignore that!" That someone said
We both turned around to see..
💭Kakucho?!💭 I thought and I took a quick notice of what he was wearing a uniform like south's
"Kaku-chan?!" I heard Takemichi mumbled

"If that's what you're doing, the we're not negotiating, got it?!" Kakucho said to the man getting his attention "The 'Brawler' is here, huh?" The man said to kaku "Why're working under south, bastard? Did ya switch over after the 'king' died?" He...

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"If that's what you're doing, the we're not negotiating, got it?!" Kakucho said to the man getting his attention
"The 'Brawler' is here, huh?" The man said to kaku
"Why're working under south, bastard? Did ya switch over after the 'king' died?" He continue his words saying it directly at kakucho
"What? I don't wanna hear that from you of all people, did you forget about shinichiro sano? Huh, takeomi akashi ??" Kaku said to the man who's name is Takeomi
"What?" Takeomi said giving a slight glare at kakucho
💭so his name is takeomi..wait who is actually?💭 I thought confused
Then a new voice chipped in saying
"We're itching to throw down just as much as you are, isn't that right, Akashi?
I turned to the direction of the new voice, but it was not so new to me, because the owner of the voice was..
💭oh that little shit is here too?!💭 I thought while twitching my eye glaring at him

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