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Y/n Pov
I talked to mitsuya and Mikey a little and we said our bye bye then
I was about to head back home until I saw something on the ground
I picked it up and it was a photo Of six children
"Wait they look familiar.." I said to myself
I picked the photo and put in in my pocket and went home to tell Takemichi about it
"I am home!" I said yelling
"Hey!" Takemichi came to me
"By the way Takemichi, I think you might wanna take a look at this photo"
I said while pulling the photo and gave it to him
"Aren't they look familiar to you?" I asked him
"Yeah, that's Mikey-kun,draken,Pah,mitsuya,and Baji!" He said
"They look so young.." he continued
I went over to him and take a close look
"Wait..didn't Mikey said they are five?" I said
"Mhm..why" he asked me
"Who is that guy that is hanging on Baji's neck snd have a tiger tatto on his neck..?" I said while pointing at the photo

?" I said while pointing at the photo

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"Wait..there six?" He said confused
"And Mikey didn't even mentioned him.." I said
I just sighed
"Come on lets go to bed snd sleep its late" I said while heading to my room
"Yeah..we will talk about this tomorrow" Takemichi said
"Good night Michi" I said
"Night!" He respond
(The next day)
I woke up getting ready to go to school and I was a bit early
I went to the bathroom and get ready

I head down stairs and start making breakfast for me and Michi After I did I went upstairs to wake him upI took a deep breath and I yelled "MICHI WAKE UP, WEFE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL,OH GOD!!" He suddenly woke up panicking "Huh,HUH WHAT" he said...

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I head down stairs and start making breakfast for me and Michi
After I did I went upstairs to wake him up
I took a deep breath and I yelled
He suddenly woke up panicking
"Huh,HUH WHAT" he said
I just went out of his room chuckling
"Deserve" I mumbled and went downstairs
I was with takemichi in the class while playing with my cellphone since the bell rang
And then Takemichi's friends came
"Hey guys" akkun said
"Hello!" I said
"I heard some news that you guys are apart of Toman" akkun said
"Yep.." I said
"Eh, Takemichi, you okay? Why do you look upset" akkun said
I turned my attention to Michi who looked s little stress
💭is it maybe because Mikey threatened him last night..?💭 I thought
"Uh..yeah, your right! Me and Y/n are members of Toman" takemichi said while standing up from his chair
"What happened exactly?" Akkun asked smiling
Takemichi looked at me avoiding akkun's eyes
"Our crybaby is apart of Toman now!" Takuya said
"I want to join too.." yamagishi said
"It's not as awesome as it looks" takemichi said
"Huh?" The Mizo middle crew said in sync
I was watching yamagishi teaching us about Toman and valhalla
And let's say I was getting bored
While Takemichi and his friends were forced at yamagishi's teaching
And then the door of the classroom suddenly opened revealing someone who have tigger tatto and his hair let's say it looks like a banana

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