Forced a smile

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Y/n's Pov
After the japan fashion newcomer award finished, we went back to the motorcycle shop, and now I am currently on my phone while hakkai and Takemichi whispering about Chifuyu, not knowing that they're being a bit loud and I can literally hear them
"What are we gonna do?! In the end neither of us are gonna say it..are we?" Takemichi said to hakkai
"Yeah.." hakkai nodded
"We have to tell him that's he's 'fired' from his role as the team manager
And once again hakkai nodded but then hey both flinched when they neared Chifuyu's voice approaching them saying
"What are you guys talking about? What's all this whispering?" With a smile
"Chifuyu?! W-what whispering?" Takemichi said panicking while putting his arms behind his head and whistle while hakkai did the same and said
"W-w-well it's nothing!" Hakkai said avoiding Chifuyu's gaze and then they both leaned closer and and start whispering
"Hakkai, come on man you gotta say it..'your sense of style is bad, you're fired' and we both agree!" Takemichi said whispering yelling
"You idiot! You're being too loud, he'll hear us" hakkai said whispering

'your sense of style is bad, you're fired' and we both agree!" Takemichi said whispering yelling "You idiot! You're being too loud, he'll hear us" hakkai said whispering

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"These two.." I mumbled and shook my head
"Takemichi, hakkai..Y/n" chifuyu called us and I noticed he's face is serious, so I turn off my phone and listen to what he will say
"That time when I saw mitsuya on stage, I thought of something" chifuyu said


We went to the same playground that we went last time to meet mitsuya
"What's up, chifuyu? What with the formality?" Mitsuya said confused
"Mitsuya-san, could you take over my role in the team?" Chifuyu asked making hakkai and takemichi surprise
"What do you mean?" Mitusya said while tilting his head
"Surely, my skills is an advisor are lacking compared to yours, mitsuya-kun, would do it better than me" chifuyu said with a smile
"Chifuyu!!" Takemichi and hakkai were smiling like crazy
"Okay, I'll accept your offer! Well then, I'll redesign the uniform and the team's logo on top of that! We'll have to change the team name too!"
"PPFFFTTTT!!" I couldn't hold my laugh at mitsuya's last words
💭POOR FUYU💭 I thought and laughed a little looking at Chifuyu's shocking face
"TAKA-CHAN/MITSUYA-KUN!!" Takemichi and hakkai were on cloud nine, they were so happy about that

We went to the same playground that we went last time to meet mitsuya "What's up, chifuyu? What with the formality?" Mitsuya said confused"Mitsuya-san, could you take over my role in the team?" Chifuyu asked making hakkai and takemichi surprise "W...

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"H-hold on, I think that's a bit too.." Chifuyu said with an awkward smile
"We're gonna face the kanto manji, aren't we? So we gotta get serious!" Mitsuya said
"WE'VE BEEN SERIOUS THOUGH!!?" Chifuyu said annoyed and shocked
"WELL SAID MITSUYA-KUN!!" Takemichi cheered
"TAKA-CHAN!! YOU'RE THE VOICE OF EVERYONE!!" While hakkai jumped out of joy
"Are we the only ones who's normal..?" I asked inui
"It looks like it.." inui said while sweatdropped
"By the way, takemichi" mitusya called getting michi's attention
"Pah-chin, and pehyan are joining us, I look forward to our meeting!" He said with a smile
"Pah-chin..pehyan" I heard takemichi mumbled with a smile of excitement
"I got in touch with the kawata brothers too" we all heard inui said
"Eh?" I looked at him confused
"Smiley flipped out to the fact he wasn't he wasn't invited first"
"We're bunch of idiots, aren't we?" Hakkai said
"Don't include me" I said

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