To signal a counterattack

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Y/n's Pov
I was still sitting on the floor staring at Mikey from afar until someone stood up from being unconscious behind him
"Takemichi..!" I mumbled

"Why did you stand up with that n beaten up body of yours? Did you really think you stand a chance to win against me?" I heard Mikey said turning his attention to takemichi, so I took a chance to step forward getting closer to them "I made

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"Why did you stand up with that n beaten up body of yours? Did you really think you stand a chance to win against me?" I heard Mikey said turning his attention to takemichi, so I took a chance to step forward getting closer to them
"I made..a promise to the future you, and future Y/n" I heard takemichi spoke, and at the mention of my name made me stop walking and looked at my brother
💭what promise..?💭 I thought
"I made a promise to draken-kun and I made a promise to Emma-chan" he continued and then rushed towards Mikey with a fist
"That's why..I WILL NEVER LOSE!!" But unfortunately.
Mikey managed to kick takemichi who didn't even reached to Mikey and punch him
"TAKEMICHI!" I yelled and rushed towards him, helping him up
"Y/n..let's do it together" I heard him mumbled and stood up on his feet facing Mikey, I glared at mikey who just looked at us with these empty eyes
I was about to rush towards him until I hand grabbed my wrist
"Y/n, wait!" I heard takemichi yelled whispering
"What?" I said and turned to look at seeing his eyes a bit widen that made me more confused
"I saw a vision just now..when you were about to punch mikey-kun, he managed to kick you doing his kick" he spoke telling me about the vision
I nodded my head and rushed towards Mikey with full speed and pretended that I was going to punch him until I saw his leg raised ready to kick me, I made an 'X' sign with my arms protection myself, and that made him widen his eyes, so I took a chance and punched his face making him stumble back but still standing on his feet.
"You dodge it?!" I heard Mikey spoke still with wide eyes, but I just stayed silent
I saw takemichi running with a fist towards Mikey to punch him but mikey jumped and kicked takemichi sending him flying towards me
"TAKEMICHI!" I Hold him and made him stood up
"Come on..don't give up" I said mumbling to him
"You really should be dead by now" I heard Mikey spoke directly to takemichi
" vision is starting to get blurry" I heard takemichi mumbled and rushed towards Mikey yelling
"BUT I WON'T GIVE UP!" But once again, Mikey kicked him
"FOCUS!" I yelled noticing my brother spacing out and Mikey punched him on the face making him flying back laying in the ground
I rushed towards my brother helping him up
"What's wrong, mikey? Is that all you got?!" takemichi spoke weakly
"You'll die for sure" Mikey spoke and rushed towards me and my brother
💭he'll definitely use that kick💭 I thought and lean towards my brother and spoke whispering to him
"Dodge it" I said to takemichi, and he surprisingly dodged mikey's kick
"H-how did you know? I saw it through the vision!" I heard takemichi mumbled surprised
"Wait, a vision appeared?!" I said whispering back raising my eyebrows
"Just as we thought, it happens immediately" takemichi said smiling a bit


3rd Person's Pov
Mikey then rushes at him, and Takemichi has a vision of the near future once again, which allows him to block Mikey's kick, much to his own surprise. Takemichi and Mikey then exchange blows which they both dodge, while Y/n just stood there looking at her brother in amazement, and as everyone comes to their senses and regain consciousness, they all watch in awe at Mikey, who cannot touch as much as a hair on Takemichi's head anymore.

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