Stand by me

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3rd person Pov
Mikey has a flashback. He remembers his only memory with his father when he was young, who had bought him an action figure as a souvenir.
"I've brought you a souvenir manjiro" mikey's father spoke grinning at his child and gave him his souvenir saying
"This American hero is very strong and cool!"
"Strong.." young Mikey mumbled looking at the superhero figure in awe

After some time, he died in a car crash when Mikey was only three years old

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After some time, he died in a car crash when Mikey was only three years old.
Fast forward, an older Mikey kicked a boy his age who claimed to be the strongest third grader in Shibuya. He had taken him out with one kick and claimed that he hated weak people.
Later at a local hospital, Mikey sat by his mother's bed and proudly told her about how he had successfully beaten up the elementary kid from earlier.
"I met that big guy from east elementary's third grade, and I beat him up!" Young Mikey spoke excitedly with his mother who listens to her son's talk carefully and gave him a warm smile and spoke
"You're so strong, manjiro, just like your father" She called him strong like his father.

 "I met that big guy from east elementary's third grade, and I beat him up!" Young Mikey spoke excitedly with his mother who listens to her son's talk carefully and gave him a warm smile and spoke "You're so strong, manjiro, just like your father"...

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Mikey looked forward to visiting his mother every week while he fought other kids frequently. Once at the hospital again, he boasted about how his opponents would cry whenever they lost against him.
"Mom, all of them immediately started to cry when they lost" young Mikey spoke to his mother who just chuckled a bit before remarking saying
"Oh..but children cry easily, right?"
"My father also cried easily?" Young mikey said curiously
She wondered if he ever even cried in public and concluded that he was a hopeless man.
"You love daddy very much, don't you, mom?" Young Miley said with a grin but his mother only chuckled once again at her son's silly's question
"You think?" She said giving Mikey a smile
"Well, I'll be like daddy too!" Young Mikey said with a confident smile
At the same time, Mikey observed that she only ever talked about his father whenever they were together, although her smile would always be slightly different.


One day in the winter,
"GRANDPA!!" Shinichiro interrupted dinner to inform that the hospital called about their mother in critical condition. When they arrived, they were told that it will most likely be their final encounter with her.
"Mom, I won another fight day, weak guys always cry so fast!! I am not going to cry..that's why, mom, i'm going to protect you, so..come back home" Mikey boasted about his victories as usual, and stated that weak guys did not cry so he will not cry as well. However, "'re not strong because you don't cry, even you too..used to be a crybaby when you were younger" his mother spoke
"All you did was cry and angel" she said closing her eyes and pictured his baby version, how he suck his thumb and while with his teary eyes

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