Beat hell out of

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Y/n's Pov
"THIS FIGHT IS FOR DRAKEN!!" Takeomi yelled making brahman hyped up
"LET'S BEGIN THE WAR OF 3 DEITIES!" south yelled after Takeomi and made rokuhara tandai yelled loudly
"KILL EVERYBODY!" Sanzu yelled making the kanto manji cheer and yell to show how hyped they are
And then..the fight started, all 3 gangs start punching and fighting each other

"FUCK OFF KANTO MANJI! YOU GUYS ABANDONED DRAKEN!" Takeomi yelled and joined the fight "BRAHMAN, STOP! DON'T LET YOUR ANGER GET YOU!!" Senju yelled loudly but her gang completely ignored her and continued getting each other's throat Takemichi and ...

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"FUCK OFF KANTO MANJI! YOU GUYS ABANDONED DRAKEN!" Takeomi yelled and joined the fight
"BRAHMAN, STOP! DON'T LET YOUR ANGER GET YOU!!" Senju yelled loudly but her gang completely ignored her and continued getting each other's throat
Takemichi and i, turned to look at kanto manji's and we saw Mikey did not make any move with coco next to him
"Look at the situation now, coco.." we both heard Mikey said while looking at the scene infront of him
"Not gonna make any moves, boss?" Coco asked Mikey
"Yeah, I leave this to haruchiyo and the rest" Mikey said
"You...don't really care about it?!" Kokonoi said shocked by his boss's answer
"...about what?" Mikey said looking coldly at coco who just stood there silent
💭he really did changed a bit..💭 I thought
I looked around the fight and spotted south grinning as usual
"VIVOO!" South yelled and looked at takeomi who's fighting rokuhara members who were trying to stop him from getting any closer to their boss, but unfortunately they were too weak to handle Takeomi
"My former tenjiku boys! Let's forget about the kanto manji gang, shall we? It's so rare to see akashi getting all rowdy like this, it'll be fun to settle brahman first!" South said
"Got it!" All the tenjiku former members stood next to each other looking at takeomi who's fighting alone with some the rokuhara tandai members
"THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT, SOUTH?" Takeomi yelled furiously trying to get closer to south
I heard some footsteps coming fast from behind me so I looked behind and saw a rokuhara member rushed towards me with full speed
I rushed towards him too and I jumped and kicked him on the side of his head
"GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF, TAKEOMI!" I heard senju yelled
I rushed back towards michi and stood next to him, and we both saw senju was about to get into the fight but a hand appeared infront of her and stopped her, it was waka's hand
"Don't get involved, senju. This fight isn't like any other, someone's life just got taken" waka's last words made senju widen her eyes a bit
"And that person was draken.." waka continued and took a step infront looking like he's ready to join the fight
"Hanagakis, take care of brahman's princess" waka said turning to me and takemichi with a smile before disappearing and joined the fight yelling
"LET'S GO, BENKEI!" Wake called benkei and they both went for it
"HEY, YOU!" Me and Takemichi heard someone behind us, so we both turned around and we saw two rokuhara tandai members rushed towards us with bats on their hands
"EEKK!" Takemichi panicked, and I sighed
"Takemichi, you have to stand there and look after senju alone, I'll have to deal with this" I said before rushing to the two not giving michi's chance to answer or respond
"Now isn't that a bit cheating?" I said to the two but they just laughed
"Who cares" One guy said and they both start charging at me with the bats

" waka continued and took a step infront looking like he's ready to join the fight "Hanagakis, take care of brahman's princess" waka said turning to me and takemichi with a smile before disappearing and joined the fight yelling "LET'S GO, BENKEI!"...

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