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3rd person Pov
Mikey was sitting next to Y/n's bed who is still sleeping peacefully
"Come on..wake up" Mikey mumbled while stroking Y/n's hair gently
And holding her hand
But not until he felt a squeeze
Mikey's eyes widen and stood up from his seat snd went closer to Y/n
"Y/n if you can hear me Open your eyes.." Mikey said to make sure that he felt the squeeze is real
Suddenly Y/n start opening her eyes slowly and groans a bit
"Your awake!" Mikey said and hugged her for his dear life
Y/n who still confuse and then remember what happened last night hugged him back

" Mikey said to make sure that he felt the squeeze is real Suddenly Y/n start opening her eyes slowly and groans a bit"Your awake!" Mikey said and hugged her for his dear life Y/n who still confuse and then remember what happened last night hugged...

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"I am sorry..I couldn't protect you its my-" Y/n cut off Mikey's sentence by saying
"Shut up, its none's fault, its mine I took the stab instead of draken..because I dont want you to cry and see your childhood friend in pain,right?" Y/n said and buried her face into Mikey's neck
Mikey just widened his eyes a bit snd smiled after
"Dont make me worry like both are precious to me" Mikey said and tightened his hug
And then he let go
"I well go and sit on the hospital's roof to take som fresh air, I texted draken to tell your brother that you're awake" Mikey said
Y/n just nodded
But before Mikey go he went to Y/n and gave her a kiss on her forehead

you both are precious to me" Mikey said and tightened his hug And then he let go "I well go and sit on the hospital's roof to take som fresh air, I texted draken to tell your brother that you're awake" Mikey said Y/n just nodded But before Mikey g...

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"Bye-Bye" Mikey said and closed the door
And Y/n who is trying to process what just happened turned red
Takemichi's Pov
I was talking to draken after he gave Mikey's old uniform not until we heard a notification sound coming from his cellphone
He opened to check and said
"Eh..Mikey said Y/n is awake!" Draken said
I widen my eyes and stood up
"Excuse me I well go now and see her" I said
I was about to head to the door until Draken said
"Oh and after you talk to her,Mikey said he wants to meet you in the roof"
I nodded my head snd went to Y/n's room
I knocked on the door waiting for her to respond
"Come in!" It was Really Y/n
I opened the door and closed it behind and went to her tugging her into a big hug
"I missed you so much!"  At this point tears suddenly fell
"Hey crybaby I missed you too"
I let go of the hug and took a seat next to her
"How is your wound" I asked her
"Its better now, the nurse said I can go out tomorrow!" Y/n said happily
"And also what's with this lame outfit...PFFT" she snicker
"Oh come on not you too Draken said the same thing" I said
"Well he's not lying" she said laughing
I just chuckled at her and we talked a bit
And then I excused myself to her that I well go to the roof and talk to Mikey
I went to the roof to see Mikey laying down

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