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Y/n's Pov
I went towards Mikey and darken standing behind Them
"Well,Mikey?, looks like half of tenjiku can still fight" Draken spoke
"So that's 200 against two" Mikey said
"Eh?!, but what abo-" I didn't managed to continue my sentence
"No, stay beside Hina-Chan" Mikey said looking over his shoulder to see me
"BU-" and once again..
"No means no"
I sighed and gave up, I went towards Hinata-Chan and stood next to her
"What a bad luck.." I said mumbling
"Wanna take a handicap?" Mikey spoke asking tenjiku
💭what?!, HUH?!!💭 I thought looking at Mikey surprised

And then tenjiku start yelling shit at him"Get fucked, asshole!""You making fun of us??!""That's our line, dickhead!" 💭well, it's his line now💭 I thought "Aren't you bastards the ones making fun of me" Mikey said "Who do you think I am

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And then tenjiku start yelling shit at him
"Get fucked, asshole!"
"You making fun of us??!"
"That's our line, dickhead!"
💭well, it's his line now💭 I thought
"Aren't you bastards the ones making fun of me" Mikey said
"Who do you think I am..?, 200 guys" he continued while looking at tenjiku
I just smiled at the scene infront of me
"BRING ME 20,00!" Mikey yelled
And that when my smiled dropped and place a dropped jaw
💭is he for real?!💭 I thought looking at manjiro shocked
I looked around and it seems most of them are shocked well excluding izana..
"20,00!!" Tenjiku yelled is sync with horror filled in their eyes
And then I saw Toman filled with tears looking at Mikey
Mikey noticed this and turned around to Toman saying
"Come on guys, what's the holdup?"
Toman members start helping each other and I left Hina for a bit helping them too
"Here, let me help you up" I said to a Toman member
They all start going behind Mikey and draken, and I went back to Hina since I didn't wanna get scolded by my own boyfriend..
"It's time to party, that's what we're here for!!" manjiro said smiling
"Hey Toman, make some noise!!" Draken said yelling
"You're too loud, ken-chin" I saw Mikey laughed a bit and it warmed my heart up
Then I felt a nudge from someone and it was Hina
She was smirking at me so I realized she is teasing me
"No,nononono" I said backing away a bit
She was about to say something but someone spoke before her saying
"Thanks, Hina" Takemichi said smiling at the scene infront of him
"Huh!" Hinata 'huh'ed with a tint of blush on her both cheeks while looking at takemichi
"I tired to get them back on their feet..and I couldn't do it" Takemichi said
I pushed Hina forward to reach takemichi and when she did I saw some tears in her eyes and she hold michi's hand smiling
"Your sincerity moved those two" Takemichi said
"No, takemichi-kun, it takes more than sincerity to move people" Hinata said
"It was your desperation that moved everyone" she continued
I decided back away leaving both of her alone and go somewhere else to stand
" ears start to ring" I heard izana spoke
"I don't know what kind of trick they pulled, but our plan's gone off the rails, Kisaki" he continued and looked at Kisaki before turning his attention to Mikey
Suddenly I saw izana rushed towards Mikey with full speed
"MIKEY!!" I yelled
I saw Manjiro turned his attention to me and then I pointed at izana fast so he noticed him
Once he noticed izana's approaching, izana raised a leg to kick Mikey but fortunately Mikey blocked his kick

my ears start to ring" I heard izana spoke "I don't know what kind of trick they pulled, but our plan's gone off the rails, Kisaki" he continued and looked at Kisaki before turning his attention to Mikey Suddenly I saw izana rushed towards Mikey w...

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