Turn the tide

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Takemichi's Pov
I ran towards a tenjiku member and bumped my forehead into his making him fall down
"Oww..!!" I groan while rubbing my forehead
Chifuyu noticed me and rushed towards me while fighting some tenjiku member
"You okay, takemitchy?!" Chifuyu said asking me
"Yeah!" I said and we both continued fighting
3rd person Pov
Pehyan rushed towards every each member of tenjiku and fight them to make a path for takemichi
"Outta my way!, outta my way" pehyan said yelling
"Get out of my face, assholes!" Pah said while punching some tenjiku's members
Takemichi looked with a surprised eyes at pehyan fighting every single member wih pah
"Leave these bodies to me, takemitchy!" Pehyan said while fighting
"Yeah!" Pah said
"Damn..they're beating dudes with other dudes" Takemichi said with a low tone
And then someone sneak behind takemichi ready to punch him
Takemichi turned around to see a tenjiku member came running towards him with a fist ready to punch him but not until Hakkai saved him by punching that member
"Don't get distracted, takemitchy!" Hakkai said yelling so takemichi can hear him
"Hakkai!" Takemichi yelled his name
Angry kicked every member of tenjiku to make a path for takemichi as well
"Make a path for takemitchy!!" Angry said yelling with the Mizo squad following him
💭you guys..💭 takemichi thought while smiling a bit
"Follow me, takemitchy!, I'll do whatever I can to make a path to Kisaki!" Chifuyu said while running with Takemichi following him from behind
"You gotta kick that bastard's ass!" Chifuyu said and kicked someone
Y/n's Pov
I was sitting on a chair with Mikey's head on my lap
💭poor Mikey💭 I thought while playing with his hair a bit I looked around only to see Hinata standing leaning on a wall
And the other side draken crossing his arms looking down
Their eyes are puffy from crying including me and Mikey
💭I wonder how's Takemichi doing..💭 I thought looking up to the white ceiling of the hospital
I tapped on Mikey's shoulder signing him to sit up a bit
I stood up and went to some drinking machine and bought four water bottles
I went to Hina and gave her a bottle I heard her mumbling a small thank you and I nodded my head as a respond
And then I went to draken giving him a water bottle and lastly I went towards Mikey I sat next to him and gave him a bottle of water helping him drink since he was weak and tired from crying
"Thank you, N/n.." Mikey mumbled
I bring my hand to his hair ruffling it a bit and I said
"No problem..you need to rest and you know that.." I said with a concern eyes
He just stayed silent
I sigh and as I was about to stand up I saw Hinata walked towards me and Mikey and stood up infront of us
"Is there something you need..?" I said asking with a smile
"Umm...I have something to say" Hinata said looking nervous
"Yeah?" I waited for her to continue
"Takemichi-kun...thought he could save Emma-Chan" she said
At the mention of Emma draken yelled at Hina saying
"Hey!!, don't fucking bring that up now, what's wrong with you?!"
"Draken.." I called him giving him a small glare signing him to shut his mouth
I didn't get what she meant but I let her continue
Draken looked down and said
"It doesn't make sense, takemitchy, and Hina-Chan, even...why would you say that now, of all times?"
"Just leave us alone" he continued
I saw Hinata shedding some tears and didn't move an inch
I grabbed her hand rubbing circles on her palm to calm her down a bit
"It's not just Emma-Chan..there are lots of people takemichi-kun says he has to save" Hinata said
"So?! What're you—" Hinata didn't let draken continue his sentence when she said
"I died"
My eyes widen a bit and I realized she is telling draken and Mikey including me Takemichi's secret
I noticed Draken's eyes are wide open
"12 years in the future.." I didn't let Hinata finish and I said
"We both died" I said
She looked at me with widen eyes same thing to draken and Mikey
Mikey grabbed my shoulders making me face him
"What do you mean?!" He said asking me
"Takemichi..my brother, he came from the future, to stop that from happening" I said
I looked at Hinata and she immediately nodded her head
"It sounds like a lie, we know..but it's true" Hinata said
"He's desperate..he knows all your futures" she continued
"He wants to save everyone" I said
Mikey let go of my shoulders slowly and hugged me, holding me tightly like there is no tomorrow..
"But I can't do anything to help him, neither Hinata-Chan can't help him too.." I said hugging him back while tears start growing and fall down
"Sorry..i couldn't protect you in the future" Mikey said while nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck
I shook my head and I patted his back saying
"No..it's okay"
Hinata just stood ther silently crying while draken still standing on his spot with widen eyes
I saw Mikey stood up from the seat
"Where are you going..?" I said
He looked down at me since I was sitting and bend down helping me wipe my tears and said
"To your brother..he needs help" Mikey said
Draken walked towards us with Hinata behind him
I stood up from my seat and i said
"You're Right, mikey..i have a bad feeling happened in the fight" i said worrying
"Let's go" Mikey spoke and hold my hand leading me outside the hospital with Hinata and draken following us behind
I rode with Mikey while Hinata ride wih draken sitting behind him
"Hold tight" mikey said
I tightened my grip on his waist and we start driving reaching to the location of the fight
💭Takemichi..please be okay💭 i thought
When we reached there we all got off the bikes walking towards the entrance
Every time I get closer I hear yelling and screams
When we walked in the first thing I saw is my brother standing while Essig a fist up and said
"I didn't lose..Leader!"

"Huh, what're you saying?" Izana spoke I heard izana's voice and I turned to see him standing there while looking at my brother confused "It can't be

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"Huh, what're you saying?" Izana spoke
I heard izana's voice and I turned to see him standing there while looking at my brother confused
"It can't be.." i heard Hakkai's voice
I turned my attention to him and I saw him looking at me and Mikey with a surprised face
"Hello to you too" i said with a loud voice
Everyone stopped fighting and stared at me, Mikey
I look around and I saw takemichi looking at me with a shocked face,his face..
I ran towards takemichi and god..
He was coverd in blood..leg got shot
Mikey walked towards me and Takemichi while saying
"Thank you, takemitchy"

"No way!" I heard fuyu's voice  I turned my face to see him and I waved him a small hello but he just looked at me shocked "For real?!" Hakkai said in surprised tone with his eyes widen "I didn't lose" takemichi said I looked infront and I saw Kis...

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"No way!" I heard fuyu's voice 
I turned my face to see him and I waved him a small hello but he just looked at me shocked
"For real?!" Hakkai said in surprised tone with his eyes widen
"I didn't lose" takemichi said
I looked infront and I saw Kisaki and izana just stared at Mikey who is walking towards us
"You're kidding me, right?..he just lost his little sister!" Kokonoi said
I saw Mikey walked past izana and kisaki and he finally reached to me and Takemichi
"You really came.." Takemichi said smiling
I backed away from them and then Mikey hugged takemichi saying
"Thank you.."
"Mikey-kun, but why?" Takemichi said asking Mikey who is still hugging him
Mikey put a hand on Takemichi's head and didn't say anything
"You weren't exactly in the right state of mind to come here" takemichi continued
Mikey pulled away and stood next to me
Draken came in with his bike while Hinata behind him
I think takemichi didn't notice Hinata yet..
"Draken-kun?!" Takemichi called him
"Why are the three of you here?!" Takemichi said asking with a surprise look
"Hop off, Hina-Chan" Draken said stopping his bike
Takemichi's eyes widen more at the mention of his girlfriend's name
Hinata got off the bike and went towards takemichi standing infront of him
"I came" Hinata said
Then, Hinata start explaining that she told us about Takemichi's secret
"Huh?! You talked about the time-leap stuff?!" Takemichi said yelling
And then he looked at Mikey who is standing next to me and then at draken who is behind us
"WITH THESE THREE?!" Takemichi continued yelling
"Well..your sister didn't seemed to be surprised or shocked when I told her..she knew from the start" Hinata said
Takemichi looked at me with a shocked face and I just raised a peace sign at him
"Uhm.." Hinata stutter and looked the other way trying to avoid Takemichi's eyes
Another one!!
Sorry i feel motivated somehow but don't worry
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter <3
Have a great day/night!!

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