There is no mending

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Takemichi's Pov
I opened my eyes facing a white ceiling
💭The hospital..?💭 I thought
"You're awake" I heard a familiar voice said next to me I couldn't move my head to see who it is so I just moved my eyes to the side to see and it was coco sitting next to me
"you've been unconscious for 3 days" I heard coco said
💭3 days..💭 I thought and then remembered what happened
💭oh yeah..I was beaten up by Mikey-kun, so why am I alive?💭 I thought and then remember someone and my eyes widen a bit
"Wh-where's Y/n..?" I spoke weakly
"Ah..your sister, she's in another room" coco answered
"Is she okay?" I said asking him
"Yeah, she awake and I just visited her few minutes before I came here, probably on her cellphone or something" coco said and the sighed before changing the topic saying
"Senju saved you, and of course, senju was in no shape to fight, so Senju bowed down to mikey and begged to end the conflict by disbanding brahman itself"
"Does Y/n know this all..?" I spoke and side eyes coco and saw him nod his head as a 'yes'


3rd person Pov
The battle of three deities
The infamous 3 sided battle that took 2 lives.
Kanto manji gang took over rukohara tandai, as the battle concluded  with brahman's dissolvement.
Kanto manji gang reigns as the top in the nation.


Back to Takemichi's Pov
I saw coco stood up from the chair and gave me a smile while saying
"Welp, I better be going now! Be sure to grasp the aftermath of that huge battle, alright?" And then he walked towards the door while waving me a goodbye and closed the door behind him
💭senju disbanded the entirety of brahman to save me and Y/n, huh..? Mikey-kun..he was really about to kill me, he's not the same Mikey that I knew💭 I thought


(Next day)
Still Takemichi's Pov
I heard the door opened and footsteps coming closer and closer until that figure sat on the chair, I moved my eyes to see that figure was chifuyu, he's eyes were puffy
"I went to draken's funeral.." I heard Chifuyu spoke and I just stayed silent listening to him speaking
"Everyhing that has's hard to take in, it got me pondering" he said while shaking trying to hold his own tears and threatening them not to fall
"Takemitchy..what is wrong with you?" He said asking me but I just stared at the white ceiling not responding
"You..met draken in the future, right? So..why is he gone?—" and then he raised his voice yelling at me while tears start falling from his eyes, and stood up from the chair furiously
"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME BACK WHEN THINGS WERE GOING SO WELL IN THE FUTURE?! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT THAT DRAKEN IS—" but as he was about to continue his words he moved his own hands and covered his mouth tightly and sat down and apologized quickly and quietly
"I am sorry, takemitchy"
"It's okay, Chifuyu" I spoke making him widen his eyes a bit and looked at me a bit confused
"It's all my fault" I said blaming myself, chifuyu didn't spoke but just looked at me
"Can you leave me alone?" I said asking him kindly, and he did but before he exit the door he turned to look at me and said
"Alright, you better heal soon, so I can beat you up with all my heart" and then he exit
💭I am sorry, chifuyu..I'll never get anyone involved, ever again from now on..this will be a battle of my own💭 I thought


(A week after the 3 deities war. July 15th, 2008)
Y/n's Pov
💭it's boorriiinnng here, and it's getting lonely💭 I thought while staring at the white ceiling, i sighed and grabbed my cellphone to see if there's something I can do, or text anyone, but unfortunately the luck was not with my side
I heard some familiar voices outside my room, I sat up on the hospital bed and saw the voices came from the room next to mine, takemichi's room!
💭it doesn't hurt to sneak out of this room and visit him, right?💭 I thought and got off from the bed but once I put my feet down and touched the cold floor I heard the door opened

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