Black Dragons

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(Spoilers to whoever didn't read the manga❗️❗️)
Takemichi's Pov
I heard some yelling and I tried to open my eyes
"Who the fuck?!"
"Get the lights!!"
"What the hell??!"
I couldn't manage to see any it was dark until I heard someone spoke to me
"I am Gonna carry you, Keep quite" the voice spoke
We got out from the dark place and we are now in some kind of place outside
💭Where is this?!💭
I felt some sharp pain in my leg
"OW!" I groaned
💭that's right..I blacked out from the pain💭 I thought looking at me leg that covered in bandit
"I gave you some first Aid" the voice spoke
I turned my attention to the direction of that voice
I tuned to see someone who looked like baji and standing infront of me
"Baji..?" I mumbled but I looked closely at that person it was Kazutora!

?" I mumbled but I looked closely at that person it was Kazutora!

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"Kazutora-kun" I called
💭oh yeah..twelve years have passed💭 I thought
It was silent between us and we were staring at each other
Suddenly Kazutora punched me in the face
I fell down panting
"I saw some guys beating a woman on the street like this..when I jumped in to stop them. The guys beating her..were members of Toman" Kazutora said
"When did Toman become a woman beating organization" he continued
It was silent I didn't respond or anything
"I don't..give a shit about you" Kazutora said looking down at me
He suddenly start tearing up saying
"I wanted to save Chifuyu.."
"Toman got bigger and went all wrong..still you jumped to serve Kisaki like on of his maids, the only hope was draken-kun, but e ended up on death row..and nobody knows where Mikey went" he continued
"Hey takemichi..Where is Toman going" Kazutora said
"Why you didn't try to stop your sister from leaving Toman after Mikey kicked her out.." he continued
I widen my eyes a bit and looked down
💭just when did that happened..💭 I thought
After we we both talk about Toman Kazutora gave me a ride somewhere to meet naoto
We reached the place and I get off the car and I saw a familiar person
I walked towards that person slowly
"Naoto!!" I called
💭I finally get to see him💭 I thought
"I've been waiting for you, Takemichi-kun" naoto said
Suddenly naoto put a handcuff on me
I was confused why he put them
"Takemichi Hangaki!, as of 7:36AM YOU'RE UNDER ARREST" naoto yelled and hen some man pop out behind him
"I am sorry hanemiya-kun" naoto apologize to Kazutora who was behind me but a bit far
"You bastard.." Kazutora said
"Arrest..?" i mumbled
"Too bad for you Takemichi-kun" naoto said looking at. E
"Naoto, why?" I said
"Watch this please" naoto said
I was sitting in some small place with naoto and it was just the two of us he handed me a laptop to watch a video?
I saw Chifuyu glancing to the camera before walking and standing next to some kind of chair
"Chifuyu..?" I mumbled
Then I heard some footsteps from the video and it
Then I saw Chifuyu bowed to some person
"Good after noon"
That person looked like me a lot..and I figured out that person was me
I saw myself in the video sitting on a chair while saying
"Hot as hell today"
I saw another person but I couldn't tell who it was
"Come on have a seat" I said in the video
"Is" I said to myself
"Chifuyu Matsuno secretly recorded this video, I am not sure how to explain...anyway, the moment you returned to the world changed in an instant. Because you changed the past, a great upheaval occurred, first of all, I this timeline you and I haven't talked to each other since middle school. I am still in the police just like last time, but you don't work at a rental shop. Now, you're one of Toman's top brass, and just like this previous sister was killed on august 10th, when atsushi Sendo crashed his car into the one she was sitting in" naoto said
I didn't say anything I just stayed silent listening to him
"After that I worked together with Chifuyu Matsuno no to arrest Kisaki and avenge my sister...sorry Takemichi-kun, you must be very confused. In my position I had no choice but to arrest you" naoto said
I looked back at the video and continued to play it
"I called you here for one reason, I want a certain someone to be wiped out" myself said in the video
"A certain someone??" The person in the video said
"I got no clue who or what they are...but it doesn't matter, what's important that They're getting in Toman's way" myself said in the video
"Is that clear Atsushi..?" I said in the video
My eyes widen
"Akkun!!?" I said to myself And stood up from my chair
"I ordered kill someone?" I said looking down
"Here's the next video..another one Chifuyu Matsuno recorded in secret" naoto said while changing the earlier video to a new one for me to watch
"Please watch this carefully" he said and handing me the laptop
I saw myself throwing a chair while screaming and Chifuyu tried to stop me in the video
"Stop it,Takemichi" Chifuyu said
"Shut up" I yelled
"don't take it out on things!" Chifuyu said
"He set me up, god damn it!! Kisaki's the devil!!" I yelled screaming and crying
"I didn't know the one killed would be her..." I heard myself saying in the video
"Naoto I've seen enough" I said to him
Y/n's Pov
I was sitting in a bowling place next to Hina watching takemichi bowling
"Strike!!" Hinata yelled happily and stood up from her seat and went to michi
I left these two alone to talk and played with my cellphone for a bit
I saw michi coming to me speaking a seat and he was shedding tears
"So is that what you're gonna do everyday..crying?" I said looking at him
He wiped his tears away and stared at me before shedding tears again
"What the" I said looking confused
We both turned to Hina who was holding a bowling ball ready to throw it
"Go!" She said snd throw the ball gently
"Cute.." I mumbled
"Aw man...went in the gutter again" Hina said
I stood up from my seat and went to her
"It's okay what matter is to have fun!" I said and hold both of her shoulders smiling at her
"Mhm you're right N/n, how about you do you want to try?" she said
"No thank you, I am good" I said and hen turned my attention to michi
"It's your turn now dumbass" I said
Takemichi got up from his seat and grabbed a bowling ball
"Watch this" he said
"My fourth strike in a row!" And then he threw the ball
I saw a guy with a blue haircut got a strike too
"Woah you and the next guy over got strike too!" Hinata said in amazement
"Oh?!, we both got strikes" the guy next to michi said
"We were totally in sync" he said and we heard another voice but it was a girl saying
"Not bad"
A girl with large yellow-orange eyes, medium-length ginger hair, and narrowly shaped eyebrows said
"Pretty.." I mumbled looking at her
The guy looked at takemichi and then said
"Huh?, I thought I'd seen you and that girl somewhere before" and then he pointed at me
"Ah!, You're Takemichi Hanagaki and You're Y/n Mikey's girlfriend!" the guy said
"Eh..?" I mumbled
"I am the second division vice-captain, Hakkai Shiba" he introduced him self

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