The guys

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Y/n's Pov
"What should I do to take down Mikey-kun?" I heard Takemichi said asking
I turned to look at him to make sure he wasn't joking but instead he was being serious about it
"What? Don't go around talking crazy...Takemitchy" Chifuyu said
"Did you hit your head or something,Your joking right?" I said
"Come on you two, I am being serious!" Takemichi said
Chifuyu sighed before saying
"But, anyways we need to get the guys together"
"Get the guys together..?" Takemichi repeated his words confused
"Because Tokyo manji gang doesn't exist anymore, We need some fighting power on our end to take mikey-kun's kanto manji gang, right?, at least we have your sister here with us, your in with us to take mikey-kun down, right N/n?" Chifuyu said asking me
"U-uhm..I don't know about that.." I said avoiding his and Takemichi's gaze
"What do you mean?" Takemichi said asking
"It's just..been awhile since we argued, we haven't seen each other, or either called" I said smiling awkwardly
"It's fine you can take your time to think, you can always change your mind" Chifuyu said smiling warmly so I smiled back at him nodding
Out of nowhere, hakkai appeared behind us saying
"What's going on?!, you guys talking about something interesting, aren't ya?"
"HOLY- WHERE DID YOU COME FROM WITH YOUR ASS?!!" I flinched and hide behind michi once we heard his voice
"Hakkai..No it's nothing" I heard Takemichi said smiling with a sweatdropped
"Don't do that again" I said to hakkai
"Sorry, sorry" hakkai said while rubbing his neck and smiled before saying
"Anyways, you guy are free right now,right? Come with me, there's somewhere I wanna drop by"

No it's nothing" I heard Takemichi said smiling with a sweatdropped "Don't do that again" I said to hakkai "Sorry, sorry" hakkai said while rubbing his neck and smiled before saying "Anyways, you guy are free right now,right? Come with me, there's...

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"We are busy though.." Takemichi mumbled
"Nope! We are completely free" I said smiling
"But—" I cut takemichi off by reaching out my hand covering his mouth
"Let's go!" I drag Chifuyu and michi by their hands and we followed hakkai to wherever he wanted to take us
"What's this place-" I stopped from continuing my sentence and saw the scene infront of me

💭ARE THEY TRYING TO ACT COOL OR SOMETHING?!💭 I thought while holding my laugh knowing it's not the right time, god why I do feel like laughing in some serious situations every time?!"It's been awhile, takemitch, Y/n!" Pah-chin said with a grin "...

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💭ARE THEY TRYING TO ACT COOL OR SOMETHING?!💭 I thought while holding my laugh knowing it's not the right time, god why I do feel like laughing in some serious situations every time?!
"It's been awhile, takemitch, Y/n!" Pah-chin said with a grin
"W-who're you?" Takemichi said trembling
💭right..he doesn't know, he came back from the future💭 I thought
"That's rude! It's me! Haruki hayashida" Pah-chin said taking of his sunglasses
"Pah-chin??!, HUH!!??" Takemichi said speechless
"Pah-chin-kun, huh?! What?! Did you get released??!" He continued and stare at Pah in awe
"Whaat??" Mitsuya said and turn to look at us mostly Takemichi And said
"Hey now, what sort of joke is that? That shit's old news" With a grin

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