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Y/n's Pov
I woke up from my sleep and i was still tired but I still getting up and went to the bathroom and take a little shower and changed my clothes

I remembered it was Emma's birthday so I planned to go out shopping and buy her a gift I went downstairs to see Takemichi eating breakfast "Good morning" I said "Morning!" He replied We both ate breakfast it was silent for a moment until takemichi...

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I remembered it was Emma's birthday so I planned to go out shopping and buy her a gift
I went downstairs to see Takemichi eating breakfast
"Good morning" I said
"Morning!" He replied
We both ate breakfast it was silent for a moment until takemichi spoke
"Hey Y/n, I will go and visit Draken's place, do you want to come?" He asked
"Ah I would love too, but I will go out shopping and buy Emma a birthday gift since it's her birthday today" I said smiling
He just nodded and we both went outside and said see you later to each other
I was walking in some clothing/dresses shop trying to pick some dressed for Emma I figured out her favorite color was red so I bought some red coloring clothes
They were a bit expensive but anything for the birthday girl
After buying then I went out from the shopping mall and trying to find for myself something to eat but something caught my attention
I saw some familiar people
It was Hinata and takemichi standing infront Mikey and Emma...?
I felt a bit of jealousy but I tried to shrugged it off so I took a deep breath snd went to them
"Hey guys!" I said and I caught their attention
"Hey Y/n" emma said
I went to her and gave her the clothes that I bought
"Here this is for you, it's your birthday gift!" I said
She opened the bag and she was shocked of how many clothes I bought

?I felt a bit of jealousy but I tried to shrugged it off so I took a deep breath snd went to them "Hey guys!" I said and I caught their attention "Hey Y/n" emma said I went to her and gave her the clothes that I bought "Here this is for you, it's ...

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"Y/n you didn't have they look a bit expensive.." she said
"It's okay,it's your birthday anyways!" I said
I couldn't face Mikey since he looks Ed like he was having a date with emma
"I gotta go now!!" I said
"Eh so fast?" Takemichi said
"Why the rush?" Hina asked
"Don't worry about it, I gotta go!" I said and before I walk away I turned to emm and said
"Happy Birthday!"
She smiled and mumbled a thank you
I walked away but little didn't I know that Mikey was following me
I was walking somewhere and it was windy but I remembered Mikey and Emma earlier
I just sigh but then I heard a voice calling me
"Hey Y/n!!" It was Mikey
"Hm?, is there something you want?" I said confused
"Come on drop the act N/n, I knew you were jealous.." he said and start coming closer
"In your dreams,Mikey" I said I backed away and I tried walking away but Mikey grabbed my hand and pulled me to him
"Huh?" I said
Mikey grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss, and of course I kissed him back I tried to pull away but he hold me by my waist brought me closer to him he titled his head to deepen the kiss
"Mikey-" I called him between the kiss
And finally he pulled away from the kiss still holding me, we were trying to catch our breaths
Suddenly Mikey took my hand and brought it to where his heart
"See Y/ only beats for you, I would never cheat, and for your information Emma is actually my sister and she likes draken" he said while smiling
"Your sister..?" I said a bit surprised
I was too embarrassed to face him so I nuzzled my face into his chest
"Sorry..i didn't know" I mumbled
He just chuckled and tried to pull me away from his chest but I didn't because I am still embarrassed
He just sigh and picked me up in bridal style
"HEY,HEY, PUT ME DOWN I SWEAR TO GOD MANJIRO" I yelled and I covered my mouth in realization
I called him by his first name
"Sorry i didn't mea-" I was cut off by Mikey hugging me
"Call me that when we're both alone, I like it" he said nuzzling his face to my neck I could feel his breath I didn't move but suddenly Mikey kissed my neck
"EH!?" I was shocked
"Sorry couldn't help it, you smell good.." he said smiling
And then he pulled away from the hug and we both went for a walk
"Ah I forget something to tell take this box it's from mitsuya" Mikey said smiling
I took the box from Mikey's hand and I sat down on a grass and opened it and I saw a Toman uniform I widen my eyes
"Woahh!!" I said in amazement

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