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Y/n's Pov We were now at Toman's meeting I was standing next to baji and behind us were takemichi and Chifuyu standing next to each other "Chifuyu" I heard Takemichi called fuyu so I pretend to not hear their conversation "The 6th division's missi...

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Y/n's Pov
We were now at Toman's meeting I was standing next to baji and behind us were takemichi and Chifuyu standing next to each other
"Chifuyu" I heard Takemichi called fuyu so I pretend to not hear their conversation
"The 6th division's mission in this upcoming to rescue koko-kun and beat izana and kisaki" Takemichi whispered to Fuyu
I smiled satisfied to myself
"So basically..we gotta crush Tenjiku" I heard Chifuyu said to takemichi whispering
"But the problem is..can Toman beat tenjiku the way it is now?" Chifuyu said
"Guys listen up!!" I flinched a bit hearing Draken's yelling
And I saw baji chuckling a bit so I nudged his shoulder and I smiled a bit before turning my attention to draken and Mikey
"Tenjiku's making their move on February 22nd, and that's today!, they're finally coming at us with everything they've got!!" Draken said yelling to the crowd
I gulped a bit while holding the fabric of my skirt gripping on it
"So we've all gotta focus, and take 'em head-on, those tenjiku bastards won't give us a fair fight, they call themselves a 'criminal organization' and they're going to fight dirty" Draken continued yelling
Suddenly I flinched once again when I heard a familiar voice yelling and saying
"Then Toman should do the same!!"
It was Hakkai!
Everyone turned their heads around including myself, Mikey, and draken to see a pissed Hakkai
"Let's fight dirty, and wipe 'em out!!" Hakkai said

can Toman beat tenjiku the way it is now?" Chifuyu said "Guys listen up!!" I flinched a bit hearing Draken's yelling And I saw baji chuckling a bit so I nudged his shoulder and I smiled a bit before turning my attention to draken and Mikey "Tenjik...

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"Hakkai?!" I heard Takemichi whispered shouting with a shocked face
"On the way here..taka-Chan got jumped and beaten, smiley-kun too!! Hakkai yelled in frustration
My eyes widen and I felt my jaw dropped a bit leaving my mouth open
"Mitsuya-kun..Smiley-kun?" I said mumbling i looked over to Mikey and he looked at me back I saw his face turned into a shocked one including draken
Mikey's Pov
I couldn't believe what did I just heard
I saw N/n turned her face to look at me and once I looked at her
It ached my heart a bit seeing her heartbroken after hearing what Hakkai just said
All what I wanted to do is run to her and pull her into a comfort hug but I kept my cool and continue to listen to hakkai breaking the eye contact with her
💭later N/n..💭 I thought
Back to Y/n's Pov
I saw Mikey turning his attention to hakkai so I just did the same
"Some assholes rode in motorcycles, and hit 'em from behind with steel pipes, they got taken to the hospital, but they're still out cold, those tenjiku fuckers will do whatever it takes!, if we don't step in up, Toman's gonna lose!" Hakkai said
I covered my mouth and I shed some tears trying to keep them inside not letting any of them fall down from my eyes
💭they got hit with some steel pipes..?!💭 I thought with my eyes wide open and I looked down
"The sixth division's all beat up!!, including Y/n-Chan!!, our second and fourth division captains aren't here!, and the fifth division!! Those traitors are in tenjiku now!!" Hakkai continued to yell
"Hakkai's right!" A member of Toman said
"Yeah, what he said!" Another one said
"Toman can't go on like this"
"so let's fight the way tenjiku does"
"Let's get some weapons and ambush 'em!!"
The crowd was going crazy over Hakkai's speech and I just stood there not doing anything I mean Hakkai was kind of right but there was something wrong and I didn't know what it was..or what it is
Suddenly almost everyone flinched including me from a motorcycle sound
We looked over to see who it was and it was pehyan holding the handled of the motorcycle while Pah is next to him
"Shut the fuck up, shit-heads, don't get yourselves all worked up" pehyan said
"You pussies so scared to lose..that you wanna ambush 'em with weapons" Pah said
Pehyan looked over at Pah and said before turning his attention to everyone infront of him
"Pah-chin..he almost killed osanai with a weapon, but luckily..Y/n-Chan saved him from getting arrested"
"I got manipulated and attacked draken" pehyan said
"Did something real chickenshit...this is what Mikey said to me 'I don't wanna fight you', that's why I'm still here, so that's why, this time I wanna do this in a way Mikey's okay with" he continued
Pah looked speechless for a bit before smirking proudly at his buddy
"I wanna fight in a way I won't be ashamed of!!" Pehyan said

"Hakkai!!" Pah called him "We both know you're freaked out over mitsuya getting beat down" he continued "Look at mikey, is he smiling?" Pehyan said to hakkai I looked over my shoulder and I saw how serious Mikey was "Hakkai, go and stay with mitsu...

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"Hakkai!!" Pah called him
"We both know you're freaked out over mitsuya getting beat down" he continued
"Look at mikey, is he smiling?" Pehyan said to hakkai
I looked over my shoulder and I saw how serious Mikey was
"Hakkai, go and stay with mitsuya" Mikey said
"What?!, wait just a minute! I want to avenge Taka-Chan.." Hakkai said
"It's not because I am worried about mitsuya and smiley's conditions, it's because when they wake up, they'll want to come and join the fight for I want you to stop them" Mikey answered Hakkai
"It'll be hard for me to fight if I am worried about them" Mikey continued talking and then he turned his attention from Hakkai to the crowd including me and Takemichi and said
"Listen up everyone, not a single captain's gonna have you back in this..'cause I am all you need" he said the last part smiling
I felt my cheeks boiling a bit so I looked down a bit with my eyes soften a bit
"Manjiro.." I mumbled before looking at him
"Let's crush tenjiku!!" Mikey said and once he said that the crowd start going crazy and start cheering while raising fists up
Draken dismissed everyone I was about to go with Takemichi but I heard Mikey called me
I looked over to my brother and I excused myself letting him go home before me
I turned my attention to Mikey who was walking towards me smiling a bit
"Need something?" I said
Instead of responding he pulled me into a warm hug patting my head and said
"Sorry..i couldn't hug you there when Hakkai mentioned about mitsuya and smiley's conditions"
I just laughed a bit and I hugged him back
"It's fine, I understand" I said
He pulled away from the hug and grabbed my hand leading me to his motorcycle
"Let's go and drive you back to the apartment" he said
I just hummed and he helped me getting on the motorcycle and I hold his waist tightly since he will be driving fast
"You good there?" He said asking before start driving
"Yep!" I said
And then he start driving until we reached to the apartment it was a silent ride but it was a comfortable one
Once we reached to my apartment I got off from the motorcycle and gave him a little peck on the lips before saying goodnight since it was late and I was starting to feel sleepy
Somehow I feel motivated like 3 chapters in a day don't ask me
Anyways just a little warning for the next chapter
Bring your tissues because shit is about to get start in the next chapter
Hope you guys enjoy reading
Have a great day/night!!

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