Inherit the crown

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3rd Person Pov
Takemichi sits alone in a shed, eyeing the motorbike Mikey had gifted him two years ago while recounting the scenario in his head. He then sees Mikey's old Toman uniform draped on the bike and recalls the day when Draken had given it to him. He also recalls the aftermath of Thousand Winters' meeting with Mitsuya, where Mitsuya had asked him to choose the new team name in his behalf. Speaking to himself rhetorically, Takemichi tells Mikey that he has formed a new team under the retrogressed name "Tokyo Manji Gang."
A week later, the Second Generation Tokyo Manji Gang makes its debut at Musashi Shrine.

A week later, the Second Generation Tokyo Manji Gang makes its debut at Musashi Shrine

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A week later, the Second Generation Tokyo Manji Gang makes its debut at Musashi Shrine. The former division leaders resume their old positions with the exceptions of Inupi, Y/n, Senju and baji who were recently ordained as the new First and Fifth Division Captains, baji the first division captain, inui the first division vice captain, Y/n the vice captain of the fifth division vice captain and lastly senju the fifth division captain, respectively. Second Generation Vice President Chifuyu commences the first gang meeting, and Takemichi, clad in a uniform similar to that of the First Generation Toman's, emerges onstage.
"I am excited!" Angry said while his twin brother who laughed and said
"Hehe, it's been two years since the last meeting"
"I've gathered 50 members from the old Toman to" pah said grinning
"As always this uniform feels the most comfortable" Pehyan said
"Senju will you let me go, you're kind of squeezing me a little too tig-" y/n didn't managed to continue her sentence when senju shut her up saying
"I don't care, it's been a while since we saw each other" and she continued to squeeze the poor y/n
"Oi, you're inupi, right?" Baji said smirking while inui just gave him a cold stare and nodded
"Thank you mitsuya-kun for providing this uniform to us!" Akku said and bowed while the mizo middle crew did the same and thanked Mitsuya who just gave them a slight grin and said
"No problem at all!"


Y/n's Pov
"Finally, some oxygen.." I mumbled and held my chest and looked at Senju who just gave a me a smile wich I couldn't help but return one for her
"2ND GENERATION TOKYO MANJI GANG KICKOFF MEETING WILL NOW COMMENCE!" I flinched a bit once I heard chifuyu's yelling and that reminds me of how much I flinch when draken yelles with no warning in the past..
"You okay?" I heard senju whispered
I looked at her and nodded my head reassuring her that it's nothing
"First and foremost, I'd like to apologize to all of you" we heard Takemichi said and bowed down before continuing saying
"I am sorry getting you all involved. Me and Y/n we both lost to mikey-kun in the battle of 3 deities, it got me down, but I am standing here now..I might not have the caliber of a gang leader, and toman's captain will always be mikey-kun, but during the battle of 3 deities, I realized something, mikey-kun is not the same anymore..I want to bring back the old mikey-kun"
💭he is the same..I can feel it, it's just that stupid dark impulses controlling him!! His heart was draken..Emma, and izana, these people who were close to him are gone💭 I thought and I snap out of my thoughts when I heard my brother yelled


Mikey's Pov
"Boss..the second generation tokyo manji gang has sent us a declaration of war" I heard kokonoi said
"From manji?" I said confused
"The president is..takemichi hanagaki" coco said
"I knew came back" I mumbled
💭so another war..huh? It looks like I have to face Y/n and takemitchy again💭 I thought before speaking announcing


September 9th. The day of the final battle
Takemichi's Pov
"The first time I jumped through time i thought 'I am watching my life pass before my eyes. Why am i having visions of my worst day. I can't do this anymore, I want this to end.' I cried..but in the end, I came here because I wanted to see you" I said watching the view with Hina from outside of her apartment door
"Back then, I was a totally cowardly guy, I wanted to run away from reality, from my life" I said and my hands start shaking a bit
"Now..I am different, because I carry everyone's feelings on my back" I said and then I felt two hands cupping my cheeks and made me face my girlfriend, it was her hands of course
"Don't you think that's wrong?!" Hina said with a frown
"Huh?" I was a bit confused
"You should say what you actually feel, if you keep it to'll only grow heavier in your heart" then she brings my face closer to her and smiled at me and spoke saying
"Tell me, 'i am scared'" my eyes widen a bit and I took off hina's hands gently and faced the view of the city, I took a deep breath before yelling
"I AM AFRAID, I WANT TO RUN AWAY,I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!" It was silence for a moment until Hina spoke
"Do you feel better?" With a smile
I smiled to myself before nodding while saying
"Yes" and I looked down at my neck staring at the lucky charm necklace that Hina gave me before facing her I gave her a smile before saying
"Hina..I'll be back! So wait for me, okay?"
She nodded her head saying
"Very well then, I'll be sure waiting for you, takemichi-kun!"


3rd person Pov
After some time, the Second Generation Toman speed down the highway on the way to the fight.

Mikey simultaneously commands Kanto Manji to march forward

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Mikey simultaneously commands Kanto Manji to march forward.
"LET'S MOVE!!" Mikey yelled

 "LET'S MOVE!!" Mikey yelled

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Hello!! Another chapter with another war coming!
I am excited ngl- 🧍🏻‍♀️✨
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter
See you in another one!!
Have a great day/night

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