Raise against

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Takemichi's Pov
I went outside from the hospital and I saw Chifuyu and baji parked coming towards me with Their bikes stopping infront me
I looked at them confused
"Chifuyu, Baji-kun?" I called them
"Hop on with me, everyone's waiting" Chifuyu said
We went to the Musashi shrine seeing almost everyone in Toman including thhe Mizo squad
We three went up climbing the stair and stood up there catching everyone's attention
I suddenly flinched at Baji's loud yell
"Listen up brats!!"
Chifuyu just looked at him while sweatdropped before turning his attention to the crowd and said
"Just a little while ago, our leader's young sister died in an accident!!"
And then I heard some murmuring from the crowd but I just kept my head down listening to each murmur
"Mikey-kun's young sister?!"
"For real?!"
"Is the boss okay?"
I once again flinched a bit from baji's voice
Everyone went silent
"Of course, our leader won't be participating in today's battle against Tenjiku, and the same goes the angel of Toman since she's taking care of our leader! Including with our vice-leader" Chifuyu said looking down a bit
"Huh, what're we gonna do..?" A Toman member said
"If we don't have our top two including the angel...how're we even supposed to fight?" Another one said
And then I saw inui step infront saying
"That's right"
"Hm?" I hummed looking at inui
"An army without a king and a queen is just a mob..there's a 100% chance we'll lose, we shouldn't be fighting today" he continued
"He's right" a Toman member said
"This is no time for a fight, anyway!" Another one said
"We would back out" yet another one said
I was hesitant to talk and open my mouth but I did anyway
"Good point, if we back out now...and prepare, we might have a chance of winning"
"..." I went silent before continuing
"But Toman is going after tenjiku tonight" I said while turning my attention straight to the crowd
I saw baji looked stunned a bit but gave me a smirk and a thumbs up
And then the crowd start yelling at me and chattering saying things such as
"The fuck're you going on bout, asshole?!"
"Toman can't do anything with out them!!"
"Who put you in charge, dickhead?!"
"Better stop fucking around!"
"Go and fight 'em yourself!"
And then everyone turn their body around making their back facing me, Chifuyu, and baji and the crowd kept saying things
"What a loud of horse shit"
"Fuck this noise"
"At the very least, we should wait until our leader's back on his feet!" A Toman member said while yelling
"This meeting is over!" He continued yelling
Everyone start walking away and I looked down with disappointment written all over my face
"Tch!" I heard baji groaned while clenching his fists
"Well, this doesn't surprise me" Chifuyu said
"Everyone's Right...but if we don't fight today,we'll be playing right into Kisaki's hands" I said
💭Guess there's no other way..I was planning to go alone in the first place💭 I thought
"So, what now?" Chifuyu said asking me while baji next to him
I took a deep breath and faced them saying
"Even if I have to do this alone..there's no going back now!"
"Yeah.." Chifuyu said looking infront before facing me with a smile on his face and said
"Then let's make this a double suicide"
My eyes widen a bit and I turned my face down and I thanked him quietly
"Thanks man"
"Haah?!, what're you guys talking about?" Baji said while hanging both of his arm around me and Chifuyu
💭SHIT I FORGOT HE'S HERE!!💭 I thought looking panicked before facing Chifuyu and he had the same reaction as mine
Luckily we were both saved by akkun
"It won't  just be the three of you!!, I am going with you!, Takemichi" akkun said  making everyone from the crowd stopped on their tracks by hearing his yell
"Akkun!" I got out from baji's grip and took a step infront looking down at akkun
"This is how it always is!" Akkun said
"You're the only who never runs away, takemichi!!" He continued yelling
Then I saw Makoto, Yamagishi, and Takuya behind him saying
"Me too!"
"Me too"
"Me too!!!"

AKKUN?!"It won't  just be the three of you!!, I am going with you!, Takemichi" akkun said  making everyone from the crowd stopped on their tracks by hearing his yell"Akkun!" I got out from baji's grip and took a step infront looking down at akkun ...

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I just looked at them one by one not moving from my place
"Let's take on tenjiku together!!" Akkun said
"You guys.." I mumbled
Suddenly we All heard some footsteps coming towards us and a sound of some wheelchairs..?
"Takemitchy's not the type..to pick fights he knows he's gonna win" a familiar voice said
We all turned our attention to the direction of the sound and it was..
Mitsuya-kun, and smiley-kun?!..also Hakkai and angry with them
The Toman members looked surprised at the sudden appearance of them including myself
"No way!" A Toman member said yelling in surprise
"I snuck outta the hospital" smiley-kun said with a grin

"Smiley-kun?!" I yelled in surprise tone"He's an idiot ya know?, that's why takemitchy never runs away" another voice said I turned to the direction of the voice and I saw mitsuya-kun smiling and sitting on a wheelchair while Hakkai is helping by ...

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"Smiley-kun?!" I yelled in surprise tone
"He's an idiot ya know?, that's why takemitchy never runs away" another voice said
I turned to the direction of the voice and I saw mitsuya-kun smiling and sitting on a wheelchair while Hakkai is helping by pushing the wheelchair

"Mitsuya-kun!!" I yelled his name as well "These two are crazy" baji said and chuckled "Take these two along, will ya?" Mitsuya said I didn't know who he meant but I immediately knew who they were when I saw angry and Hakkai taking a step forward ...

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"Mitsuya-kun!!" I yelled his name as well
"These two are crazy" baji said and chuckled
"Take these two along, will ya?" Mitsuya said
I didn't know who he meant but I immediately knew who they were when I saw angry and Hakkai taking a step forward standing next to each other
"You're not carrying Toman's burden all by your self" angry-kun said
"Ya got that, life saver!?" Hakkai said
"Are you uns insane?" We heard inui said 
"The odds are against us!!, but if we run away, then that's the end of Toman" Chifuyu's sudden yelling caught Toman's attention
"We got no choice to prove to them!!. That even with Mikey-kun Toman's not gonna lose this fight!!"  He continued yelling
And then everyone start yelling Toman's name loudly
Baji rushed towards Chifuyu and put an arm around Chifuyu's neck while ruffling his hair with a proud smile and said
I looked over the crowd with a proud smile on my face and I saw them continuing to yell Toman's name

 That even with Mikey-kun Toman's not gonna lose this fight!!"  He continued yellingAnd then everyone start yelling Toman's name loudly Baji rushed towards Chifuyu and put an arm around Chifuyu's neck while ruffling his hair with a proud smile and...

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Y'all feeling excited for the Fight?!
Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter
We'll see you all in another one!
Have a great day/night 🫂

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