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Y/n's Pov
I was still deep in my thoughts about what Mucho said
💭Me? Staying away from Mikey?!, and it's from izana..MEEHHHH WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS TO ORDER ME?!💭
I snap out of my thoughts once I heard my last name being mentioned by Mucho saying
"And what's annoying about you kokonoi, is that you only listen to inui, and somehow inui serve under the Hanagakis"
"That's why I must kill inui and the Hanagakis especially Y/n since she's the Angel of Toman and apart of Mikey's have no choice but to go under tenjiku, right?" He continued
"That..That's too much!!" Takemichi said
But instead of Mucho saying anything in respond he went to my brother and put his foot ontop of Takemichi's cheek mostly stepping on his face

"TAKEMICHI!!" I yelled and I tried to get to him but unfortunately I am still tied Mucho ignored my yellings and turned his attention to kokonoi who is looking at him and said while grinning "Now then, kokonoi

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"TAKEMICHI!!" I yelled and I tried to get to him but unfortunately I am still tied
Mucho ignored my yellings and turned his attention to kokonoi who is looking at him and said while grinning
"Now then, kokonoi..Join Tenjiku" but Mucho's grin disappear and replacing it with a pissed glare saying
"Or I'll kill these three..especially her, you've got two choices
Mucho took his foot off from Takemichi's cheek and stepped away a little and then turning his attention to me before turning to look at Takemichi's laying figure
"Hanagakis, Mikey isn't izana's only plan" Mucho said
"What do you mean.." I said asking
"Kokonoi financial power, Kisaki's brain, and Mikey's charisma. He can make full use of those three, and make the greatest criminal organization. The 'S62 generation' are now 18 years old, shit like you bosozoku are kids" Mucho said and then he turned around to look at kokonoi and said
"Kokonoi, if you join tenjiku, I'll let go of inui and the Hanagakis, so!, what's your choice"
Before kokonoi could answer i saw takemichi crawling to reach kokonoi, and once he reached him he called him and said
"Coco-kun! You don't have to listen to this shit bastard"
"Takemichi.." I mumbled looking at my brother shocked and surprised at his braveness
I saw Takemichi struggling to stand up but somehow he managed to without using his hands since he was tied up, and he went towards Mucho standing infront of him
"Mucho-kun, 'Create the greatest criminal organization' you say?, even if I die, that won't happen" Takemichi said
I felt something off was going to happen so I tried my best to stand up using my back hitting the wall and stand up
"He's right, kokonoi hajime is a member of my division, Takemichi's division , so we won't hand our subordinate to the LIKES OF YOU!!" I said while walking amd standing behind Takemichi
I saw Takemichi looked surprised a bit but grinned after what I said
"She's right, I won't hand over coco to the likes of tenjiku!" Takemichi said
"Hanagaki, Y/n.." i Heard kokonoi mumbled
I looked over my shoulder to see him staring at me and Takemichi I gave him a closed eye smile and I mouthed
"It's gonna be okay"
He understood what I said so he Just Nodded a little
I turned my attention to Mucho who is staring down at us saying
"And Then what?, there's no way you can win against me"
"You don't get it, do you?, Mucho-kun" Takemichi said while grinning
"This isn't about winning or losing!!" He continued
My eyes widen at his words
💭glad the future Takemichi isn't dumb or stupid..that's why he was acting mature💭 I thought smiling a bit with y eyes soften
"And I won't die either" Takemichi said looking Straight at Mucho and he. He looked at me and said
"Let's go N/n"
I didn't get what he meant but soon I realized what he meant..
us fighting against Mucho
"But that's stupid idea.." I shouted whispered to michi but he ignored me
I took a deep breath and we both sprinted towards Mucho
Some time later
"Told him it was stupid idea" I said to inui while treating. His wounds
We were now laying ontop of some garbage bags
"Is your brother always that stubborn?" Inui said asking me
Soon we both saw Takemichi start waking up
"You good there?" I said helping Takemichi to sit up and getting rid of the tie
"What happened" michi said asking
"We lost, he took kokonoi but at least inui with us" I said
I saw michi's eyes widen and looked around to see inui sitting looking at him
"Huh?" He said while blinking few times trying to process what happened
"Come on" I Said and we three stood up
I helped Takemichi up and grabbed his arm pulling it around me neck with inui's help
We walked somewhere and it was a silent night until inupi spoke
"I am Sorry, i couldn't protect coco.."
"Don't worry about it, we all did our best" I said smiling
"It's alright, inupi-kun, they won't kill coco-kun" Takemichi said grinning
"Mhm, he's right, also tenjiku only wants coco-kun to recreate the brutal generation" I said
"Inupi-kun, i misunderstood you guys..I thought you guys were with tenjiku" Takemichi said
"HEY, how could you think of them like that?!" I said smacking his head a bit
"Sorry Sorry, you know inupi-kun, you guys helped us a lot" Takemichi said and I nodded my head
"Coco-kun sacrifice himself for us, you both are good people" I said
We arrived to some place thhat inupi leaded us here
"This is my and coco's hideout" Inui said while trying to open the door and we went inside
"Woah.." I said looking around inside
We three sat down on the floor and I went towards Takemichi with a first aid-kit box treating him
"Ouch, oww" Takemichi groan
"Shut up" I said
"I habe a reason why I wanted to review black dragon" Inui said and that caught my and Takemichi's attention
"Coco..he's always been with me whenever I go, even when I am such a useless person, he's always there to support me, because of that I'd die for coco" he continued
"Your lucky to have a friend like him ya know that?" I said smiling a bit
"Mhm" Inui hummed as an agreement
And then inui bowed while sitting putting Both of his Palms on the cold floor and his head down
My eyes widen at the sudden action
I was about to say something but inui was faster than me
"And I too, entrust my life with you two"
"Please Carry on Black dragon!!" He continued
I looked over to Takemichi and he had the same look that I have
"Y/n, please become the 11th generation black dragon president, and Takemichi, the second president!!" Inui yelled begging
Inui lift his face up looking at us and my heart broke when I saw some tears falling from inui's eyes
I went to him and I pulled him into a hug
"Please you guys, save coco" inui said
"Everything is going to be alright,I can't say that I promise you, but I will try" I said patting his back
I heard him chuckle a bit and said
"Mikey is sure lucky to have someone like you"
My eyes widen a bit but continued patting his back
"Shut up" I said mumbling
We pulled away and he wiped his tears and I went back to Takemichi sitting next to him
Inui stood up and went to sit somewhere else near the garage making his back meets the garage door
I saw takemichi stood up and went to him sitting next to inui
"This where shinichiro-kun's bike shops used to be" inupi said
"You mean Mikey's older brother?" I said asking
Inui hummed in respond
"For delinquents like us..this was where we'd gather" he continued
As I was listening to inui talking about Mikey's older brother
I grabbed my phone and turned it on since it was off
And once I opened it I saw so many calls and texts from Mikey
One text from him caught my attention it was saying
'I am in your apartment'
My eyes widen and I quickly stood up
Takemichi and inui were confused about me panicking
"Where are you going?" Takemichi asked
"I am going back to our apartment I will see you there, no time to explain, bye!!" I said and I head over to the exit making my way to the apartment with my little legs running
Once I reached to the he apartment I saw Mikey's bike parking
💭he's still here..?💭 I thought widen my eyes
I quickly head over to the door and opened it revealing manjiro sitting on the couch of the living room
He noticed my appearance and stood up rushing towards me and hugged me
"Goodness..where were you?" He said while ruffling my hair a bit before pulling away
"Long Story, don't worry about it" I said while rubbing my neck
"What happened, why are you all bruised up" he said and out a hand over my cheek
I just shrugged my shoulders and said
"Don't worry about it!" I said
"It's tenjiku, isn't it?" He said
"Well I would say yes but no I guess..?" I said smiling a bit
"N/n, Tell me what really happened" mikey said
"'s kind of long story but to make it short..Mucho he kidnapped me and Takemichi, including Inui and kokonoi. They took kokonoi with them and forced him to join tenjiku, adding to that Mucho told me a massage from izana.." I said
I felt mikey grabbed my both shoulder tightened his grip on my shoulder looking at me with widen eyes
"Continue.." he said
"'Stay away from Mikey'" I said
I saw mikey clenched on his jaw and pulled me into a hug saying
"You..wouldn't do that, right?"
"of course not!!" I said hugging him back after few minutes he let go and sighed then
He grabbed my hand pulling me to the couch and making me sit on it while he was infront of me
"Why didn't you answered my calls?, I was worried..damn it" he said frowning
"Sorry, i didn't mean to make you worry, I kind of forgot my phone is off" I said
"Silly" Mikey said while smiling
"At least you're okay" he continued and sat next to me pulling me into a hug kissed my forehead
"And sorry for making you wait here" I said
"Someone is clingy today?" I said but mikey ignored my question and said
"Don't apologize, it's fine sweetheart.." he said tighten the hug a bit
I felt my cheeks boiling red a bit
Mikey's Pov
I turned my head down to see N/n and I saw her cheeks turning red a bit
I just chuckled a bit and continued to hug her like there was no tomorrow
"Next time, don't turn your phone off" I said and pulled away from the hug
I heard her hummed But I noticed some tears in her eyes
I widen my eyes a bit and I grabbed her cheeks with both of my hands basically cupped her cheeks

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