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Y/n Pov
I was in the hospital taking care of my brother who just passed out few hours ago
"Come on wake up.." I mumbled looking at his unconscious body
I was holding his hand until I felt a squeeze
"Michi!" I called
Then he opened his eyes slowly and sit up on the hospital's bed
"Where am i" he asked rubbing his eyes
"Your in a hospital after that fight you passed out" I said and stood up to check on him
"You okay" I asked
"Yeah..wait, Your hands they got stabbed!" He said panicking
"Don't worry the nurse took care of it" I said
Suddenly the door opened revealing Hinata, and Emma
"Takemichi you okay?!, I heard what happened" Hinata came rushing to us while Emma behind her
They talked for a moment until I got a notification
I opened my cellphone it was Mikey text saying
"Hey N/n wanna hangout with me and draken were with Takemichi's friends"
I replied "sure"
I closed my cellphone and stood up caught everyone's attention in the room
"Where are you going?" Emma asked
"To Mikey and draken they want me to hangout with them and my brother's friends are with them" I said
"If you wanna come,I well send You the location, just give me your number" I continued while walking towards Emma
After we exchanged numbers
I went to door but before I got out
"Please TAKE care of his, he can be stubborn sometimes" I said with a smile
Hinata and Emma nodded and I waved them a bye-bye and went to where Mikey and draken were
When I reach there I saw Mikey playing soccer while draken behind him
"Hey losers, I am here" i said yelling
"Y/n!" I Heard akkun yell
"Sup!" I said while waving him with a smile
I went to Mikey running to take the ball that and when I did I run with it
"BLEEHHHHH!" I turned my head and pull out my tongue to see Mikey who was standing looking at me with eyes widened

He was a bit annoyed "COME AND GET THE BALL, IF YOU HAVE BALLS YOU DIOIT"I yelled since he was a Bit far from me Suddenly I saw him rushing to me I panicked and continued to run I looked behind me and I saw he was literally behind me"EEKKKK" I con...

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He was a bit annoyed
I yelled since he was a Bit far from me
Suddenly I saw him rushing to me
I panicked and continued to run I looked behind me and I saw he was literally behind me
I continued to run as fast as I can and the I went to draken and we both Start Running in circles around draken
And then when I stopped to catch my breath for a second Mikey was behind me and hugged me from behind
"Gotcha" he said with a smirk of victory
"Damn it.." I mumbled
"Okay Fine Take the freaking ball and let me go" I said complaining
He didn't let go of the hug but he took the ball that was on my hands and threw it and continued to hug me
"Uhm..draken a little help" I pulled the end of Draken's jacket's sleeve to get his attention
He turned his head to me and sighed and went behind me to get Mikey off
"Mikey,Leave N/n alone" he said while pulling Mikey
I helped him a little it took us few minutes for Mikey to give up
"Finally" I said with a sigh
Draken just chuckled and patted my head
"And hey, when we'll you stop ruining my hair" I said to draken with passed eyes
"I don't think it we'll stop, besides it became a habit of mine now and I don't have any problems with it since your hair is soft" he said before shrugging his shoulders
I just sighed and went to bench sit on alone and watching the scene of the boys playing
"Hey Y/n"
I heard few voices so I turned my head to see Emma and Hinata with Takemichi
I stood up and went to my brother to check on him
"How are you feeling" I asked in concern tone
"I am doing okay, don't worry" we Three sit on the bench since Emma went to Mikey and draken
"Hey N/n, did you hear about the festival?"
"Hm, oh yeah i did I well probably won't go, and I am sure Takemichi and you well go since u both always together" I said the last part with teasing tone
"Ehh, but the festival well be boring without you.." Hina said and lower her head a bit
But then she raised her head quickly and snapped her fingers
"Ah!, why don't you and Mikey go together" she said with a smile
"EHHHH ME AND HIM??!" I said flustered
She nodded her head
💭do I wanna go with Mikey..? I mean he is a good guy, it won't hurt to give it a try, right?💭
I just sighed and stood up and went to Mikey who was talking with Emma and draken
"Hey Mikey, can I talk to you for a second" I said with a bit of blush
"Sure" he said and we both went far from everyone
"What's wrong, your face is kind of red, you okay?" He said and put a hand kn my forehead
💭KEEP YOUR COOL X10💭 i thought
I took a deep breath and asked him
"Hey Mikey, do you..wann's Go to the festival with me?" I said turning my head the other way to avoid his eyes
this is so embarrassing..

I heard him chuckled and said"Of course dummy, I was about to ask you, But man you sure have guts to ask first" I turned my head to meet his eyes I was feeling happy about it but there was something a little off but I shrugged it

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I heard him chuckled and said
"Of course dummy, I was about to ask you, But man you sure have guts to ask first"
I turned my head to meet his eyes
I was feeling happy about it but there was something a little off but I shrugged

I heard him chuckled and said"Of course dummy, I was about to ask you, But man you sure have guts to ask first" I turned my head to meet his eyes I was feeling happy about it but there was something a little off but I shrugged it

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And after we talked a bit
I went to hina who was talking with Emma
They both Heard my footsteps so they turned their heads to see me and when they did they both smirked
Emma was about to say something but I cut her off
"No..Nononono not gonna happen, come on michi we gotta Go Home it's gonna be night" I said calling my brother
Hops u enjoy this chapter <3
Have a great day/night💟

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