Too late to be sorry

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Takemichi's Pov
I was currently in my old apartment panting hard and shedding tears after I saw mitsuya's dead body and finding out about Hinata's death.
💭This photo..💭 I thought
I find a photo on top of the kotatsu so I picked it up staring at it

💭 I thought I find a photo on top of the kotatsu so I picked it up staring at it

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(I suck at drawing, I tired my best to draw Y/n 💀✋)

"This is the last group photo I took before I left.." I said to myself
Suddenly i heard a familiar voice saying
"So here you are..I've been looking for you"
i turned my attention to the owner of the voice and it was
"Naoto!" I called
"Takemichi-kun" he called me
"What the hell happened, Naoto??!" I said almost yelling out loud
"You've time-leaped into the past multiple your attempts to save my sister.." naoto said
"This is the worst future that's happened yet." He continued
"Of course, my sister and..Y/n wasn't saved"
My eyes widen at the mention of my sister
"Huh, Y/n?!" I said confused
"And the chief members of the Tokyo Manji gang..have all been killed" naoto said
I looked at the photo I was holding while shedding tears
"Chifuyu Matsuno, shot to death"
"Hakkai shiba, burned to death"
"Takashi Mitsuya, strangled"
"Ken ryuguji, stabbed"
"Y/n hanagaki, also shot to death.."
"Kazutora hanemiya, Baji keisuke, Haruki Hayashida too, and all the other members..all of them were murdered, even Kisaki was killed" naoto said
"Kisaki?!" I said shocked
At this point I start shaking and tears about to fall and escape from my eyes
"Everyone is dead..?" I said trembling
"No..but why??" I continued
"The suspect is still at large..we don't even have a clue as to where he might be.." naoto said
And then I remembered someone
"What about Mikey-kun?!" I asked
"Was..was he murdered too?!" I continued Asking Noato
"Brace yourself for what you're about to hear.." naoto said and he pulled out a photo and continued saying
"The criminal wanted for these serial Manjiro Sano"

I am sure my eyes are about to pop out of my skull right now "Huh?

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I am sure my eyes are about to pop out of my skull right now
"Huh?.." I mumbled
"Could you dial down the jokes a freaking notch?, there's no way he'd..kill everyone" I said looking at naoto
"NO HE WOULD NEVER!!, What about Y/n he wouldn't kill her..and baji he is his childhood friend, draken-" naoto cut off my sentence and said
"Takemichi-kun, I want to know the truth too..I want to meet manjiro Sano and talk with him"
"You're the only one who can do a former Toman member and the only one still alive..only can do that" he continued
I gulped a bit and i turned my attention to the photo I was still holding
"Mikey-kun..That Mikey-kun, killed all the upper members of Toman..?" I said
It was silent for a moment
"Naoto..did Mikey-kun really do that?" I said asking him
"Do you know anything about it, takemichi-kun?" He said asking me
"Huh" I was confused by what he meant
"The information gained from your latest time-leap will surely contain a clue somewhere. At the very least, something you did in the past in the past..caused a great change in the present" naoto said
"Something I did..? Are you saying I messed up?" I said
"I eliminated the two people that would've caused turn Evil, the black dragons were defeated and kisaki got thrown out of Toman!" I was panicking that I messed something up
"EVERYTHING SHOULD'VE ENDED UP FINE!" I said yelling at naoto
"Takemichi-kun.." naoto called trying to calm me down
I looked the other way with nervousness inside of me
"What did I do wrong?, should I not have told Mikey-kun that he could handle it on his own..what do I do after that?" I said
"I just took this photo" I said looking at the photo
Naoto's eyes widen and asked me
"Takemichi-kun, that photo..where did you find it?"
"Where?..on top of the kotatsu.." I said
I saw him turning his head at the kotatsu so I followed where he was looking and I noticed there was a letter..!
"A letter!" I said and I picked it up
"Was the photo inside here...?" I said because I noticed the letter was already opened
"Let me see that letter for a moment!" Naoto said and took the letter away from my hand and looked at the back of the letter
"The postmark isn't from's the Philippines!" Naoto said
"This letter..who sent this letter?!" He continued

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