✨ Special ✨

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This Chapter doesn't include this series, it's just a special chapter since it will be the new year
Also Happy new year everyone <3
(31st December )
Y/n's Pov
"Waahh this is gonna be the last day of the year" I said to michi with my eyes sparkle
"Yeah..I am gonna miss this year it was a lot fun and we made a lot of memories" takemichi said with a little sad smile
"But it's not bad to have a new start with a new year, and to make a lot of new memories!" I said cheering him up
"Mhm" Takemichi nodded


"I'll get it" I said getting off the couch and went to door and open it
"Mikey!" I said happily
"Hey N/n, Takemichi" Mikey said while waving at takemichi, and gave me a hug
"What're you doing here?" I said asking him
"Just visiting" mikey said while smiling
"Okay, then?" I said and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water and drink
"By the way!..why won't we all go and have some fun outside with the others!" Mikey said
"Not a bad idea.." I said and turned my head to michi to see if he agrees or not
"I mean we have nothing to do, so why not?" Takemichi said
"Let's go!!" I said while rushing towards my brother and Mikey, and grabbed their hands dragging them outside
"Eee! I wanna try this game!" Emma said while jumping up and down
"Calm down, Emma" Draken said while sweatdropped a bit
"This looks fun too!" Hina pointed at the machine that have a little dolls in it
"Come on, takemichi-kun!" Hina said and grabbed michi's hand and went to the the machine
"Oh oh oh, Oi, Chifuyu!!, wanna try this shooting zombies game??" Baji said while smirking
"Your on, baji-san!!" Chifuyu said and they both went to the game
"Hey, hakkai, look at this.." mitusya called hakkai while pointing at some train
"That's nice Taka-chan..but we-" Hakkai got cut off by mitsuya grabbing his hand and went towards the train
"Now now don't be a scaredy-cat, let's go!" Mitsuya said with a small chuckle
"Great, i have to take care of hakkai.." Yuzuha said while following the two
"Wanna try this?" Smiley said asking his little brother while pointing at some Mario game
"Sure!" Angry said and they both went towards it to play
"Hmm..." I hummed while looking around to see what game should I try
"Oh! How about this N/n??" Mikey said getting my attention while pointing at some basketball game
"Basketball?" I said
"Mhm!" Mikey nodded excitedly
"We'll then, the loser get to be slapped I the face" I said smirking
"You've gotta be kidd-" I cut Mikey off by grabbing his hand and went towards the basketball game
"Let's start!!" I said
( Mikey) 11-8 (Y/n)
"Fuck.." I mumbled while looking at the score
"Oh..Y/n~!" I heard Mikey called me, so I turned to look at him and he had a smirking look while coming closer at me
"Oh hell no" I said and ran around the arcade
I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer and that's when I knew he is right behind me
"Gotcha!" Mikey said while grabbing me by the collar from the back
"Now gimme that face" Mikey said while grabbing my chin making me looking at him
"Hey..we can talk abou-" I stopped my sentence when I saw Mikey raised his hand and I immediately closed my eyes but I felt a small and gentle slap across my cheek
I opened my eyes and I saw him looking at me with a smile
"Huh?, what" I said confused
"You expect me to slap you really hard?, hell no!, I wouldn't slap my own girlfriend like that!!" Mikey said with a small frown
"Manjiro.." I mumbled while looking at him in awe
"Come on now, it looks like the others are waiting for us" Mikey said while holding my hand and we start walking until we reach to the guys
(31st December || 10:44PM)
I was currently in mine and Takemichi's apartment getting ready to meet Mikey and the others at some bridge and have some extra fun before the new year start
"Takemichi!, you ready?" I said yelling
"Here!" Takemichi said while getting downstairs rushing
"Come on let's go!" I said smiling
I was wearing a beautiful (F/c) kimono while my hair tied in some bun with small (F/c) flower clip
"N/n!!" Hina,Emma and Yuzuha yelled
"Ah! Girls, you both look so adorable in these kimonos" I said with a grin on my face hugging them
"You look absolutely stunning!" Emma said while hugging me back
"I agree!" Hina said while doing the same
"Even adorable!" Yuzuha said
We pulled away and looked at each other with a smile on our faces
We laughed a little until I voice called my name
"N/n!" It was Mikey's voice
"Hm?, it looks like my brother needs you, I think we all need to be somewhere, see ya later!" Emma said with a teasing smile on her face and pulled hina and Yuzuha with her
"Eh-?" I was cut off by a sudden hug from behind
"You look absolutely like a real Angel, N/n" A gentle voice said next to my ear
I felt blood boiling up and my ears went red a bit
I turned around and gave Mikey a hug
"We'll you look absolutely handsome, manjiro" I said with a smile
He chuckled and put a hand on my waist pulling me closer to him
"Come on, let's go and eat something before the new year starts" Mikey said and we both walked to grab some food and chat at the same time
I looked at the time and it was close
"Manjiro!" I called him and he looked at me confused
"Look at the time, let's go to the bridge, i feel the others are here too quickly!" I said grabbing his hand and we rushed running to reach the bridge and it was only 2 minutes now until the new year start
"N/n, Mikey!" Emma called us
"Sorry, we're late!"
💭Jeez, time goes really fast💭 I thought and now it's
I looked up at the blue night sky admiring it for a bit until the crowd yelled




"N/n!" I felt a hand grabbed mine and pulled me u too my back hit someone's chest


"Manjiro?" I said looking up and it was him


"Come on, it's almost time" Mikey said holding me by the waist


I smiled to myself while looking around seeing everyone yelling the countdown with a smile and I feel their excitement


I sigh for a bit and I decided to join them


Mikey looked at me a little surprised and chucked before joining with us and yell the countdown


💭it was a nice year..💭 I thought


I felt another hand grabbing my turned whole body facing Manjiro who is smiling at me


Manjiro leaned closer to my face and whispered before pulling me into a gentle kiss
"Happy new year, sweetheart"
I responded to his kiss while putting my hand around his neck and we pulled away smiling to each other
"Happy new year, manjiro" I said
And I leaned my head on his shoulder while we both looked up at the fireworks
Heyy!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
I felt writing a special one since it will be the new year so yeah!
And remember I may be not posting after this chapter because my finals will be starting on Wednesday but I will be back after I finish them all
Happy new year everyone <3
Hope you guys have a great day/night!

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