Crack a smile

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Takemichi's Pov
"To takemitchy in 12 years" I heard Mikey spoke in the record
💭this specifically for me?!💭 I thought while staring at the teenager version of Mikey-kun
"I've said plenty in my letter, but there's something that I wanted to address only to you" I heard Mikey spoke and his stare gave me some chills, but I continued to hear what's he's about to say next
"When I can't control myself, it is as if there is 'Another me'"
I was a bit confused of what did he meant by another him..?
"A dark impulsivity" the teen version of Mikey said
My eyes widen a bit and it suddenly hit me
💭impulsivity..?!, Oh..!💭
I snap out of my thoughts when I heard him continuing
"I haven't told N/n about it..I am scared of who I'll become in 12 years..I am definitely not pleasant to be around with, but I hope in the future..Y/n still with me happy and healthy" I saw Mikey made a small smile on his face at the mention of my sister but he's smile dropped when he continued talking
"That's why I bid farewell to all Toman members, you get it, right?. I don't want you all to be involved with me..and I will be with Y/n by her side while she's on my side..we both promised to stay together until death. Takemitchy, promise me 12 years, please stay away from me and don't try to find us..don't go back to the past to save me or walk down this path is my own decision..Takemichi, we will not be able to meet let me tell you this, for the last time.."
💭Last time?💭 I thought waiting for his last words
"Please live a happy life and a happy future!" I saw Mikey said with a me it was a heartbreaking one

to me it was a heartbreaking one

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💭Stop..Not with that smile..💭
Then the TV went off while I just stared at the screen blankly

💭Then the TV went off while I just stared at the screen blankly

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💭Mikey didn't get corrupted because of anyone's because of his own Dark impulsivities..I can't do anything about it💭
3rd person Pov
As the video ends, Takemichi realizes that Mikey's downfall was not caused by external factors; instead, it was his own "dark impulsivities" that lead him there, leaving Takemichi unable to do anything. As he walks home, dejected, Takemichi encounters an excited Kazutora, who has found leads on Mikey's whereabouts. To Kazutora's surprise, Takemichi says it is fine, as he no longer needs the leads. When Kazutora inquires about his sudden change of heart, Takemichi explains that Mikey would not want for him to seek him or Bonten out.
(A few days later)
Takemichi's Pov
I was staring blankly out of Mitsuya's studio with my own thoughts until Hakkai's voice called me making me flinch a bit
"Hey, Takemitchy!"
I looked up seeing hakkai, Chifuyu and draken staring at me
"What are you spacing out for?" Hakkai said asking me
"The preparations are ready!" Chifuyu said with a smile
I was thinking how to reply to them until I heard mitsuya's voice saying
"How are things, Yuzuha?"
I looked at where he was looking and I saw Yuzuha peeking out from the curtains and opening them while saying
"I am not that good at dressing someone up, so I am not sure myself"
Yuzuha opened the curtains fully revealing hina wearing a beautiful white wedding dress
"How is it?" Hina asked me, and I couldn't help but stare at her in awe

(A few days later)Takemichi's Pov I was staring blankly out of Mitsuya's studio with my own thoughts until Hakkai's voice called me making me flinch a bit "Hey, Takemitchy!"I looked up seeing hakkai, Chifuyu and draken staring at me "What are you ...

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"Woah.." I mumbled out
"Hina-Chan is so pretty!" I heard hakkai said with a little squeak sound at the end
"Took him 10 years to finally get accustomed to hina" Yuzuha said while sweatdropped
"Next get her hair styled, and it'll be perfect!" Draken said while smiling
"Man, takemitchy doesn't deserve someone this beautiful" I heard Chifuyu said jokly
I turned my head towards him with a little glare
"Oi!!" I yelled at him and I was about to run to him but Hina's chuckle caught my attention so I couldn't help but smile at her and didn't realize that my tears are falling down making Hinata panic a bit
"Huh!, w-what's wrong takemichi-kun!?" Hina said while walking a little closer to me
I wiped my tears quickly while saying
"I am's just that, when I am happy, Y/n's and Mikey's smile appeared in my thoughts" I said avoiding her eyes
💭wait..💭 I thought and I had a flashback about that day when Mikey told me..



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End of flashback

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End of flashback

💭He's always been like that💭 I thought and remembered what Mikey said to me in that tape, those last words..

'Please live a happy life and a happy future'

💭You'd always smile💭
Hello everyone!! Sorry this is a short one, I know!!
But I felt bad for not posting, so I decided to post this, and for your information I still didn't finish my finals yet on the next week I will finish them on..Monday I think
So yep!! How's the new year going with you guys? Hope u guys enjoy this year
And by the way did you see the new episode on season 2?! Kazutora looked so good on that episode, I am telling the whole budget went to him, but anyways! Hope u guys enjoy this little chapter!
Have a great day/night

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