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Y/n's Pov
I hung up and i sighed looking at my cellphone with a smile
"Well..that was a nice chat" i said mumbling and as i was about to sleep i heard a knock downstairs
💭Who'll come this late?..💭 i thought and picked my hoodie and wear it while heading downstairs quickly
You walked towards the door and opened it revealing a panicking inupi
"W-what're you doing here, what's wrong?" I said looking around outside
"Y/n..your brother, he's not here..him and Senju are being attacked!!" I heard inupi said
"W-what—" i didn't managed to continue my sentence when inui start start dragging me to his bike
"Quickly, hop on, I'll explain everything!!" He said and I did what he said and while he was driving he start explaining
"Let's go and tell draken about this" inui said and I nodded my head
We went to Draken's motorcycle, and we saw draken outside the garage
"Draken!!" Me and inui yelled in sync making draken flinch a bit
"What's up, inui, y/n?" Draken said looking at us confused
"I heard a nasty rumor, those guys from rokuhara tandai, call takemitchy right away!!" Inui said making Draken's widen eyes
Takemichi's Pov
I Walked around the amusement park with fast speed trying to find senju where she went
"Senju..in the bathroom, shit!i shouldn't have taken my eyes off her, SENJU!!" I said to to myself and yelled senju's name
💭where's the bathroom, where's the bathroom?!, how is she going to be attac—💭 i cut out my ow thoughts once i found the bathroom
"Here it is.." i said
💭hold up..💭 i thought and remembered the vision I had about senju

💭 i thought and remembered the vision I had about senju

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"Wait.." i said and I turned around seeing 4 guys wearing black hoodies and black masks walking towards me
"You're takemitchy Hanagaki, right? Where's your little sister?" One of the guys with a blond hair said and looked around
💭THE TARGET IS ME AND Y/N?!💭 i thought
"Hey..is it really this guy? He looks so weak.." One of the guys asked the blond one
"Yeah for sure, i just saw him with Senju kawaragi, but that girl who's always with takemitchy isn't with him" the Blondie answered his friend
💭do they mean my sister..?💭 i thought and I took a step forward
"W-who're guys?" I said a bit hesitant but they ignored my question
"Are we really gonna do this?" A bald one asked the Blondie
"Yeah, this is the only way for small fries like us to climb to the top" the Blondie one said while getting out something from his back pocket
"But hey, i think we should talk to south-San abou—" the other guy was about to finish his sentence but got cut off by the Blondie yelling
"IT'S FINE, i risked my life for this..and got this puppy" the Blondie said and took out from his back pocket a..gun?!
"South-san will understand" the Blondie said and pointed the gun towards me
💭a gun?! Really?!💭 i thought and I looked at the bathroom seeing Senju running towards me wit full speed
💭i see now..senju..DIES TO PROTECT ME!💭 i though pt and yelled at her
"DON'T MOVE, HANAGAKI!" The Blondie one said threatening
"HEY, STOP!!" Senju said yelling and rushed towards me
"STAY AWAY, SENJU!" I said to her again and I turned my whole body to face her and jumped infront of her quickly making her looking at me with wide eyes and we both fall to the ground, i closed my eyes tightly.

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