To rout and ravages

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Y/n's Pov
"2ND GENERATION OF TOKYO MANJI GANG 6TH DIVISION CAPTAIN, SHIBA TAIJU! IV'E GOT FRONT ROW TICKETS TO SEE THE HANAGAKIS BEAT UP MIKEY!" Taiju yelled and I couldn't help but let out a silent chuckle at his last words
"So you actually came, huh?" Mitsuya spoke smiling
"HUH?! BIG BRO IS IN 2ND GEN TOMAN!?" Hakkai said shocked
"Are you kidding me..that taiju is working under takemitchy?!" Chifuyu said with his eyes wide open
"Seriously?!" I heard inui mumbled a bit loudly, so I turned to see him laying down with his face all beaten up and next to him was kokonoi
"He's not the type of guy work under anybody" coco said
I walked towards takemichi and helped him up while taiju was following me behind
"Get your ass up, your the captain of the 2nd gen Toman, mitchi" I said and helped him up
"Captain..we've clashed once, so let me tell you one thing—" I heard taiju spoke so we both turned to look at waiting for him to continue
"There's is no one can beat mikey, but you and this little brat can" he said with a grin
"SO LET'S GO! I'LL OPEN UP A PATH FOR YOU BOH TOWARDS MIKEY" taiju said facing the kanto manji gang
"I'll kick some butts too" I said and let go of takemichi once I saw him stood up on his feet
"Alright! Let's finish them!" I said yelling and we three went towards them
"GET OUTTA MY WAY, SHITHEADS!" I heard taiju's yell
I punched some members who were trying to get close to my brother
"Not so fast~!" I Said with a smile
I felt a sudden hit on the head, so I turned around to see a kanto manji member with a bat
"Shit..HOW DARE YOU!!" I felt anger raised inside me, so I charged towards him and kicked his stomach making him losing the grip on the bat
"My head.." I mumbled and touched my forehead Wich was almost covered from my blood dripping
"I'll take the bat, thank you" I said to myself and picked the bat up and beat some members with it
"Now this is easy, and fast!" I yelled smiling
"Y/N!! YOU OKAY!?" I heard my brother yelled and I noticed he stooped running looking at me worried
I raised a thumbs up at him and said
"Never been better"

" I mumbled and touched my forehead Wich was almost covered from my blood dripping "I'll take the bat, thank you" I said to myself and picked the bat up and beat some members with it "Now this is easy, and fast!" I yelled smiling "Y/N!! YOU OKAY!?...

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I shook my head and yelled at him
I saw him nodding his head and continued running to reach Mikey and I ran after him


3rd Person's Pov
Taiju beats almost all members of the Kanto Manji Gang and changes the tide of the battle in Toman's favor. Wakasa and Benkei confront Taiju.
"You sure are a tough guy" benkei spoke getting taiju's attention
"You revived the black dragons, huh?" Wakasa said while titled his head to the side
"But we won't allow you to reach mikey" benkei spoke, and then they both stood facing taiju who just mocked the duo and tells them
"You think you can beat me?! You both are just a bunch of retired old men"
"This is bad.." takemichi said getting y/n's attention
"Huh? What do yo—" she was about to ask what's going on but not until she saw the scene of the duo from the 'living legends' facing taiju

" takemichi said getting y/n's attention "Huh? What do yo—" she was about to ask what's going on but not until she saw the scene of the duo from the 'living legends' facing taiju

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