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Y/n's Pov
💭finally tonight will be the last day, and I'll be out of this shitty place, wonder what's michi doing right now..💭 I thought and then I heard some fireworks sound that caught me off guard for a bit
I looked to the hospital window Wich is next to my bed but a afar from it, so I decided to get off the bed and walked towards the window
"Waah!!" I said to myself while looking up towards these colorful fireworks

💭 I thought and then I heard some fireworks sound that caught me off guard for a bit I looked to the hospital window Wich is next to my bed but a afar from it, so I decided to get off the bed and walked towards the window "Waah!!" I said to mysel...

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3rd Person's Pov
On the rooftop of the hospital, Takemichi and Hina watch the fireworks erupt. Hina recalls their history together, specifically when they watched a firework show two years ago on the rooftop of her apartment complex. Takemichi says that he remembers the memory quite clearly, as he had wanted to hold her hand but ended up holding Naoto's instead on accident.
Takemichi tells Hina that he has worked earnestly to protect her. He adds that he has gained the trust and support of many along the way, hence enlarging the amount of people he wished to rescue


Takemichi's Pov
"I've worked hard to protect you, seeing how reckless I was achieving that goal..I've gained all kinds of people supporting me, and some became allies to me, Wich just increase the amount of people I want to save, my hands became full, but, mikey saved all the people that I wanted to save—" I stood up and continued my words while hina still smiling at me the whole time and listening to every word I said
"that's why..I can't accept the fact that mikey is only one left in the dark, even y/n can't accept it, she tried her best to bring him back, and she even fought him in the battle of three deities..and even if he already hurts her by fighting her back..she still loves him deeply, and I've decided..I'll make a team of my own!" I continued
"The best team!" Hina said cheering for me, and I chuckled and nodded my head


(1 month late)
Stil Takemichi's Pov
"Alright!" I said and smiled while looking at my hands moving it
"Is your hands fully healed?" I heard Y/n asked me peeking from the couch with a concern look
"Yeah, i better head out now! I'll go somewhere, wanna join? Instead of being on your cellphone?" I said giving her judging look
"Now that reminds me of something, I'll go somewhere to buy something" I heard Y/n said and went upstairs
"Where?!" I yelled for her to hear
"Nonya!" She yelled back and peeked through the stairs before going up again
"What's nonya-?" I said giving her a confusing look waiting for her to answer
"None of your business~!" She said and laughed belfre heading back to her room
"Hey! It is my business!!" I said and went upstairs and banged on her door
"Just go to wherever you want, you said you have to somewhere, yeah?" I heard her said
"Yeah bu—" she cut me off by saying
"Then go, and have fun!!"
I sighed and gave up and went downstairs heading to the door to exit and going towards the pet shop to talk to Chifuyu


Y/n's Pov
💭EEEKKKK!! Finally I saved up some money to buy an iPhone!💭

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