On my way home

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Y/n's Pov
I was in my room chilling until michi called me
"Yes??" I yelled
"Come on, and change your clothes, Mikey and draken called me to come and meet them somewhere" he yelled
"Okay give me a second to change" I yelled
I got up from my bed and went to my closet and change my clothes

"Let's go!" I said and I went down stairs to see Chifuyu "Hello fuyu" I said"Hey N/n!" He replied "Now come on let's go,but there is something I have to do p and it's closing your eyes takemitchy" Chifuyu said "W-What?!" Takemichi said confused I ...

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"Let's go!" I said and I went down stairs to see Chifuyu
"Hello fuyu" I said
"Hey N/n!" He replied
"Now come on let's go,but there is something I have to do p and it's closing your eyes takemitchy" Chifuyu said
"W-What?!" Takemichi said confused
I just snicker a bit
"Come on" I said and I pulled them outside to go somewhere and meet Mikey and draken
Chifuyu told me that there is a surprise for michi
So it make sense why he had to cover Takemichi's eyes
"Whaat, what's going on?!" Takemichi said panicking
"It's fine, it's fine..don't let go yet, Chifuyu" Mikey said
"Roger that" Chifuyu said while grinning
"You're really scaring me, guys!" Takemichi said
"Jeez..just shut your mouth and wait until it's time for you to see the light again" I said
"over here, guys" draken said
I turn my attention to him and I saw a motorcycle
My mouth turn into a 'o' shape
"Okay on zero, open your eyes" Mikey said
Chifuyu let go of Takemichi's eyes but he still closing it waiting for the countdown
Takemichi open his eyes and widen them until he saw a motorcycle I front of him

just shut your mouth and wait until it's time for you to see the light again" I said "over here, guys" draken saidI turn my attention to him and I saw a motorcycleMy mouth turn into a 'o' shape "Okay on zero, open your eyes" Mikey saidChifuyu let ...

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"Huh, a bike?" Takemichi said
"No, a toilet..WHAT DO YOU THINK!?" I said
Mikey just chuckled and pulled me closer to him
"Yeah..a bike" Mikey said to michi
"The CB250T, A.K.A the Babu" he continued
"It's like twins with mine"
"Twins?" Takemichi said confused
"my brother found 'em in the Philippines a long time ago" Mikey said while looking at the motorcycle
When he mentioned his brother I hold Mikey's hand and gave it a little squeeze
He noticed that and squeeze mine back and continued talking
"My brother said they were lying in some ruins...all sad and lonely, he got the parts for it and used them to make my resurrected Babu" he said smiling
I smiled after him
"So since the other engine was left behind..me and ken-chin have been gathering parts for it, little by little, and we finally finished it" Mikey said
"You both did a great job on that" I said
"Thank you N/n" mikey said and kissed my cheek
"Thank you" Draken said smiling
"Woah, like that's so inspiring" takemichi said in amazement
"Right?, it's yours now" Mikey said to michi
"Huh,what" Takemichi was surprised
"pretty hard for our 6th division vice-captain to look good without a bike" Draken said grinning
"Huh..but giving away a bike that important to me, of all people" takemichi said
"It'd be a waste to just have it on display" Mikey said
"You should be grateful" I said to michi
"This is so cool, takemitchy!!" Chifuyu said and threw an arm around Takemichi's neck
"Y-Yeah" Takemichi stutter
I let go of Mikey's hand and went to michi
"Try it!" I said
Takemichi went to the motorcycle and get on it
"Start the engine" Draken said
I noticed takemichi was struggling a bit
"Mikey!" I called him
"Hm?" Mikey hummed
"Takemichi looks like he is struggling a bit can you help him?" I said
"Sure!" Mikey said and hop on Takemichi's new motorcycle behind him
"Okay!, I'll give you a lecture, let's take a lap around the block" he continued
"Be carful you two" I said
Mikey's Pov
I let Y/n stay with ken-chin since I was teaching her brother
let's say he is doing pretty good..we'll kind of
"That's not how you do it Takemitchy!, pull back on the acceleration! Grab the clutch" I said to michi
"Didn't I tell you that!"
It was silent for a moment but I decided to break it
"He got a sense of destiny from it" I said
"Huh" Takemichi said
"When my brother found this engine..it was beneath  suffocating gray sky in an abandoned building with the ceiling collapsed, under a huge scrape pile...he found those two engines buried there" i said
"And my brother said "they called out to me" " I continued
"Wow" takemichi said
"I wanna see that place someday" I said
"Yeah,let's go!" Takemichi said
"Anyways, You're getting good at this" I said
"I think I am starting to get the hang of it!!" Takemichi said
Y/n's Pov
After my brother and Mikey got back from taking a lap around this block
Takemichi told me he will go and hang out with Chifuyu
"Okay then" I said
"N/n,let's go and take let's take a walk!" I heard Mikey said and pulled my hand to leave draken alone
I looked at draken and I waved him a goodbye and I apologized mouthing sorry to him and I turned my attention to Mikey who stopped from running and start to walk
It was silent for a moment Until I decided to broke it
"So..Mikey, I was wondering why did you make me the sixth division captain..?"
"Hm, it fit you" I heard him say
"How?" I asked
"It feels like Toman need someone who have a brain and strong at the same time..that's why I decided to give you the sixth division captain place" I heard him say
I decided to tease him a bit
"So you are just using my strength and brain for Toman?"
I saw him widen eyes a bit and looked at me
"What!, nonono, I would never use you" he said panicking a bit and hugged me tightly
"Ppft, I was just joking I know you well not use me..manjiro" I said but he just hugged me even more tight nuzzling my head into his chest
"I can't breath, IDOIT" I said while hitting him
"Sorry,sorry..couldn't help it, your Just too adorable for me" he said teasing me a bit
"Meh,mehh" I mocked him
I saw him laughing a bit and that made me smile and it made my heart melt
I went towards him and I pulled his face down a bit and I kissed him
He was surprised by my sudden actions but he kissed back putting his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him
He pulled away from the kiss and put his forehead on mine smiling at me
"What?" I asked
"Why the sudden kiss?" He said asking me
"Couldn't help" I said
"You little tease,huh?" He said smirking a bit and pulled me Into a hug and said
"Glad I caught you first.."
I blushed a bit but I return the hug and I chuckled a bit
"I am glad you caught me first.." I said
He kissed my head and we continued walking holding hands
Takemichi's Pov
I found my self in some place I didn't know where but I think I am in a shrine..?
I pulled my phone to check the date
💭I am back!💭 I thought

I kept looking around trying to process why I am here 💭Ah,last time I was here, I was in prison

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I kept looking around trying to process why I am here
💭Ah,last time I was here, I was in prison. But if I am not in jail now..that means the timeline changed..so Hina's been saved!?💭 I thought happily and nervous at the same time
My thoughts were interrupted by some footsteps coming towards me
I turned my attention to it and I saw a girl wearing a black suit and having her hair into a low bun with a black ribbon in the back
"Hanagaki-kun, it's been a long time.." the woman said

And then she bowed to me saying"Thank you very much for coming here during such a busy time"She stopped bowing and said"This way, please"💭huh,what's going on

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And then she bowed to me saying
"Thank you very much for coming here during such a busy time"
She stopped bowing and said
"This way, please"
💭huh,what's going on..💭 I thought and I followed her
There was a line of people standing
"Please wait in this line" the girl said
💭a funeral..?💭 i thought and I looked at what am I Wearing
I was wearing a black suit
💭but..who's funeral, somebody I know?, I am definitely..dressed all in black💭 I thought
It was my turn I looked at the two girls infront of me
One it's the same who I saw earlier and the other one look like her a bit but having her hair a high bun
"Thank you for coming to my brother's..my brother's" the high bun girl seems to struggle to continue her sentence and I saw her shedding tears

my brother's" the high bun girl seems to struggle to continue her sentence and I saw her shedding tears

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💭Brother..?, wait a second..feels like I've seen this girl before..💭 I thought
"Please, go inside" the girl with high bun said while pointing at the direction of where I should go
I start making my way to where she pointed but I can steal hear them
"Keep it together,Mana" the girl with a low bun said to her
"I am trying..sorry, Luna" the girl with the high bun said crying
💭Mana?, Luna?, Brother..?!💭 I thought
I rushed to the door opening it
💭no..it can't be💭 I thought looking at the scene infront of me

it can't be💭 I thought looking at the scene infront of me

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💭mitsuya-kun..IS DEAD??!!💭 I thought while my eyes widen
Heyy sorry to keep you guys waiting
Anyways here is the chapter hope u guys enjoy reading <3
Have a great day/night💟

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