Give me a hand

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3rd Person's Pov

Standing over Takemichi's slumped body, Mikey says that he did not want to meet, as things would end up this way

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Standing over Takemichi's slumped body, Mikey says that he did not want to meet, as things would end up this way. Turning away, he tells Takemichi that his journey ends here. Mustering up all his strength, Takemichi vows to save Mikey, no matter how many tries it takes. As he walks away, Mikey says he will end everything tonight.
"I'll end it all right here!" Mikey said as he start to walk away heading to the rooftop
And without realizing, mikey got people's attention and they start yelling at Mikey to get down and get someone to help and with all the yellings from the crowd down outside the bowling place it got sanzu's and Y/n's attention
Y/n's Pov
I was distracted by my phone until I heard a yell coming from sanzu's mouth yelling Mikey's name
"Haah?.." I was confused until I followed sanzu's eyes where he was looking and there I dropped my phone immediately
I saw Mikey standing ontop of the bowling building and he look likes he was ready to jump
"MANJIRO!!" I yelled panicking. I was about to go to the bowling building to go to Mikey but I was stopped by sanzu's holding me
"LET ME GO YOU—!" I yelled while trying to get out of his grip but he was a little too stronger than me
"LET'S DO THIS, YOU ALL!!" I heard Mikey's yell with a grin
I looked up and I saw him jumping from the building
"DON'T DO IT MIKEY!!, SHIT, OI HAITANIS, HOLD Y/N FOR ME, WILL YA!??" Sanzu yelled and he let go of me and went through the crowd I was about to follow him but again unfortunately I was stopped by the haitanis brohters
"P-PLEASE, LET ME GO, NOO!!" I was yelling on top of my lungs
I was looking at Mikey who already jumped but..there was someone holding his hand..
My heart dropped once I saw who it was
"TAKEMICHI!!" I yelled and tears start falling while looking at his state from afar
He was coverd in blood..

My heart dropped once I saw who it was"TAKEMICHI!!" I yelled and tears start falling while looking at his state from afarHe was coverd in blood

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suddenly I couldn't hear anything, all I could hear is just ringing..and Takemichi's voice..?
"I AM NOT GONNA LET YOU DIE!" I heard Takemichi yell from afar but I can hear him clearly
I was breathing heavily while keeping my gaze at takemichi and Mikey I tired to open my mouth but nothing came out..
💭what's happening to me..💭 I thought and I looked at the haitanis they looked back at me with a concerned face I saw their mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything all I can hear was a ringing sound
💭manjiro..please, everyone, I am begging you💭 I thought with my tears falling down
Takemichi's Pov
"HURRY GRAB ONTO MY HAND!" I yelled at Mikey who is staring at me with a bored look on his face
"This is ridiculous.." Mikey said
"You're going to die because of me, ya know? And yet.." he continued
"Mikey-kun, I don't have much time left, i am starting to black out" I said with a tired voice I couldn't yell anymore everything hurts..
"Let go of my hand, I just wanna end this already" I heard Mikey said
"See..? You regret your actions" I said
My breath became heavy and I started to tremble a bit
"Mikey-kun..hurry, hurry..I will definitely save you" I said those words trembling I can't speak without trembling but I continued my words for him to hear
"I'll go back to the many it takes"
None spoke all we both heard was the yelling of the crowd below us until Mikey spoke
"The hell are you talking about? You can't go back anymore, right? I didn't want to see you I didn't want to have it end like this..when I came to, I had shot you" I heard Mikey said
"Takemitchy..just let me Rest In Peace already" he continued
These words can make anyone's blood boiling just like mine right now
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I yelled on top of my lungs
"I WILL ABSOLUTELY SAVE YOU!!" I said with a smile
I turned my attention from Mikey to the crowd for a bit until I recognize someone..Y/n!! I saw her looking at me with tears in her eyes
I gulped for a bit before turning my attention from her to Mikey again
Then to my shock finally..after 12 years I saw manjiro cried infront of me..
"Save me.." I heard him said and his hand slide down more
"Takemitchy.." as Mikey called me he grasped my hand and I felt an electric going through my body

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