Get a grip

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3rd Person's Pov
Meanwhile, Kokonoi steps onto the face of a man with his sandal, reminding his opponent that the Kanto Manji Gang is the sole gang in Tokyo.
"Don't forget, Tokyo doesn't need any other than us" kokonoi said to is opponent

Sitting atop a rival gang member, Sanzu admires the view nearby, commenting on how their boss, Mikey, has defeated countless men on his own

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Sitting atop a rival gang member, Sanzu admires the view nearby, commenting on how their boss, Mikey, has defeated countless men on his own.
"What a superb view. The invincibility of our boss is picking up speed" Sanzu said with a grin on his face

Surrounded by his defeated opponents, Mikey stares at his hand, murmuring, "So you've arrived

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Surrounded by his defeated opponents, Mikey stares at his hand, murmuring, "So you've arrived... Takemitchy."

Y/n's Pov "I see

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Y/n's Pov
"I this really isn't twelve years in the past" I heard Takemichi said
"Yeah" Chifuyu replied
"This time it's two years after all that..I time leaped ten years into the past, huh" takemichi said while looking out from the school window
"Exactly" I said while walking to them
"If Mikey-kun's the trigger..then that means you won't be able to return to the future so easily anymore" Chifuyu said to michi
"Huh?..That's right! What's going on with Mikey-kun right now, Y/n??, how is it going between you two??" Takemichi said holding both of my shoulders
"Kind of..not good?" I said avoiding his gaze
"W-what do you mean?" Takemichi said while losing his grip on my shoulders and turn to look at Chifuyu who just looked down not saying anything

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