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Chifuyu's pov
I was walking down the street holding an umbrella since it was raining
"It's still raining.." I said to myself
Suddenly I heard some punching sounds..
I turned my attention to that punching sound and I saw takemichi punching and kicking some wheels while Y/n is just standing beside him looking at him weirdly
💭what the hell is this guy doing?!💭
"I Won't lose!!" Takemichi said yelling
"What the actual fuck do you mean by that,michi" Y/n said
"What are you doing, takemichi " I said walking towards them
They both flinch
"What are you doing here?!" Takemichi said
"What Are..you, I was gonna come see you but I saw a weirdo fighting a wheel" I said looking at him weirdly
"Talking Sith a tyre Wheel under this Rain,that's totally creepy" I said
"I Need to agree with that" N/n said
"Shut your mouthes!!" Takemichi said and turned his attention to the wheels again saying
"I am busy!, I am not playing around here"
"Yeah,I will just go back to the apartment, I don't wanna be seen with some weirdo, fuyu,take care of him" N/n said and she walked away
"What are you talking about" I said asking him
"I am Training, i have to get stronger than anyone!" He replied while punching a wheel tyre
"If I don't get stronger, the future won't change!" He continued
Then it hit me
"You're the Takemichi from the future..!" I said surprised
He told me everything about what happened when he went to the future
He ignored and punch a Tyre Wheel 
"Are you kidding me.." I said
"That's why I have to become stronger!" Takemichi said
"Is that why you're hitting a wheel?, are you a kid or something?" I said teasing him a bit
"Shut up!!, future me and the future Y/n left Toman, while everyone is always protecting us" He said
💭what..both of them left Toman..?!💭 I thought while my eyes widen and I noticed some leather of the wheel start to fall
"So in order to stay in toman, everyone must acknowledge my strength!" Takemichi said while punching he Wheel
"Takemichi, Show Me your hands!" I said Spans i hold his arm stoping him from punching
I got a close look of his hand and its..
"It's all bloody!, wait, you have been doing this all day..?" I said asking him
He ignored me and continued punching
"Takemichi, Stop it!, blowing your hands won't make you stronger" I said but he didn't listen
"I thought about this a lot with naoto, what can I do in the past for the future to turn well, to successfully save everyone!" He said almost in yelling tone
I had enough of that so I grabbed him by his hoodie from the back and threw him away making him fall and lay down on the dirty floor
"Get a hold of yourself, Takemichi, keep it cool" I said to him
"I couldn't do anything..how am I gonna save everyone, I have no idea!!" He said and tears start to fall from his eyes
"Chifuyu, it's too hard" he kept crying and wiping his tears at the same time
I sighed and I went towards him sitting down next to his body that was still laying on the floor
"What a fucked future..but to be honst,it makes me happy" I said
I saw his expression and it was a confusing one
"I mean we were able to meet again..I didn't think we were going to meet again" I said
"We will Beat mikey" I said while raising a fist forward
"Huh, the hell are you saying, do you wanna get yourself killed" Takemichi said sitting up
"I'll be killed, right?" I said
"No..I mean it's not just that" Takemichi said while smiling nervous or should I say more like an awkward smile
I stood up from sitting and I said
"It sucks, Mikey is too strong..no one really can beat him, and no one can really confront him"
"But maybe Toman can.." I continued and I turn my Head to see Takemichi smiling at me
So i smiled back

(Next day)

Y/n's Pov
I ans Michi we were sitting in Chifuyu's place and I was downstairs helping Chifuyu's mother cleaning snd o the dishes
"Oh dear you didn't have to do this.." Chifuyu's mother said
"No,no!, it's fine and besides that I saw you were tired and struggling do all the house work so I decided to help you" I said smiling at her
"Your brother is lucky to have a sister like you dear" she said and hold both of my shoulders
I blushed a bit at the sudden complement
"Nononononononoo, please Don't say that" I said while waving my hands Infront  panicking
She just laughed and patted my head
"Do you mind if I sit here on the couch?" I said asking Chifuyu's mother
"Not at all, make yourself comfortable" she said smiling at me and turn the TV on
"Thank you.." I mumbled

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