New year

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Mikey's Pov
I was still in Y/n's room
I looked down to see Y/n playing with her cellphone laying her head on my chest I played with her hair a bit
"N/n" I called her but she ignored me
"N/n,N/n!" I called her again but again she simply ignored me
I got pissed a bit so I grabbed her cellphone and put it away
"HEYY, COME ON!!" Y/n complained
"Your attention is all on your cellphone, at least pay some little attention to me, you know I am your lover" I said looking at her
She sigh and extended her hand out and said
"Fine, I will give you my attention, ONLYY IF you gave me my cellphone back"
"You promise?" I said making sure before handing her cellphone to her
"I don't make promises, but I will try" she said and snicker a bit
"Yeah no, I know that snicker of yours" I said and put the cellphone away
"YOU LITTLE!!" She said and stood up hovering over me to get the cellphone
I grabbed her cellphone and pushed her down gently and I got up running towards her door unlocking it and run
"HEYYY!!!!" She yelled chasing after me
Y/n's Pov
"MIKEYYY, I SWEAR FOR THE LOVE OF THE GOD, GIVE ME MY CELLPHONE BACK!!" I said yelling at him but he kept running
I chased him until he stopped and I almost slipped down but he caught me
"GIVE IT!!" I said and I managed to get my cellphone
"Anyway why did you sto-" I cut my own words and followed his eyes and I saw Emma and Hina talking
"How about you go and hang out with them instead of playing your cellphone, it's been awhile since you three went out and talk" Mikey said smiling at me
I think a about it for a second and I nodded my head
"Well then, have fun!, I'll see you soon love" Mikey said and pulled me for a peck on my nose
"Bye!" I said waving at him
I went towards Hina and Emma behind them until I heard Hina talks about Takemichi broke up with her
"HE WHAT??!!!" I said making the two girls flinch
"N/n!!" They said in sync
"Uhh..oppsie?" I said and I rubbed my head smiling awkwardly
"Anyway, HINA,TAKEMICHI DID WHAT NOW??!" I said looking at her with widen eyes
She told me and Emma everything
"Hmm, i your dad out to meet him, huh?" Emma said while putting her palm under her chin
"That must've been really hard on takemitchy" she continued
"Yeah.." Hina mumbled
"Bet he was panicking while he was talking to your dad" i said and chuckled a bit trying to light up the mood a bit
"Still, just because your dad told him to do that" Emma said
"Okay, just leave this to me and N/n!" Emma said standing up pulling my hand making me standing up next to her
"Pardon me-" i said but Emma cut me off
"Your gonna help either you like it or not" she said and picked her cellphone to call someone
"Draken-kun, do you know where is takemitchy, i need to find him" Emma said
I just sigh and gave up
"Ehh,Mikey don't know where he is?" Emma said
"You better bring takemitchy back, you got that?!" She continued and eyes Hinata for a moment who is standing with a surprised look
"We'll meet infront of Hina's place" Emma said and end the call
And then she pulled mine and Hinata's hand while saying
"Let's go!"
"Huh?!, wait a second, you're taking me to see Takemichi-kin?!" Hina said while looking a bit nervous
"What?!, you love him, don't you?, don't be so wishy-washy!! Tell him how you feel!" Emma said looking at Hinata
"Pfft wishy-washy..Eh, i want to see him so I can beat him up" i said
"But!, if I see Takemichi-kun now, i might not say anything..I'll just cry!" Hinata said while shedding some tears
"Oh no no, no crying!!!" I said and put my both hands on Hinata's cheeks and wiped her tears
"Don't worry..everything well be fine..and I bet he well be the first one to cry when he sees you again!!" I said chuckling
I was standing next to Mikey and and draken while Emma was next to Mikey crying seeing takemichi kneeling down I for t of Hina while she is scolding him
"Waahhh!!,Hina i am glad!" Emma said while tears start coming
"Why are you crying Emma" Mikey said
"I am wondering the same thing" i said looking at Emma
She kept crying until draken spoke looking at takemichi
"Weak to woman, weak at fighting, your brohter is just like him.." Draken said smiling
Draken continued talking about "him"
I was in my own world staring at the floor until Mikey called takemichi
"Yeah.." takemichi answered
"Come on, ride with me!!" Mikey said while holding Takemichi's hand and went to the motorcycle
I just stared at the scene smiling
I looked back at draken, Emma and Hinata and I said
"I will go home now!"
"But, are you sure okay, like going alone??" Emma said while Hina nodded agreeing with her
"Don't worry about me, besides that I can fight,so Bye bye!!" I said waving at them
I reached home and it looks like takemichi didn't arrived yet
So I went to my room and  I changed into my pjs

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