Valhalla Vs Toman

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Y/n's Pov
Let's say I was a little but nervous but hey its just a normal fighting battle and were done,right?
She felt a hand on her shoulder she turned around to see Mucho smiling a bit to her snd said
"Don't worry,you don't have to be nervous"
I widen my eyes a bit
"Wait how-"
"Your legs are shaking a bit" he cut me off saying this
I just sighed and mumbled a thank you for the comfort
He nodded
I went to Michi and Chifuyu they were distracted by talking
I went to them and and said
They both flinch and I just snicker
"Y/n don't do that again" Michi said
"Sorry not sorry" I said
"What are you guys talking about" I continued asking
"Ah I was just introduce your brother to these inspectors, like them"
He said pointing at some two guys one having blond hair with blue strips and one look like Annabella but his hair was Blond and black
"Their the Haitanis Brothers, they can summon more than 100 by one call and their also Rule Roppongi" Chifuyu said
"Mhm.." I just hummed
I looked at the two haitanis and the braids one looked back at me he just smiled and winked at me and then he nudged his brother saying something to him
I just shrugged it off
"And that fat guy" Chifuyu said while pointing st some fat guy eating
"It's Garriman and he runs Ueno, I heard he's strong as a beast"
"Beast my ass.." I mumbled while rolling my eyes
"Toman and Valhalla are not the important thing" I heard someone said while walking to the front
"I will supervise the fight today, I am Hansen" he continued
"Are you guys ready?"
"Come lets go back to the others" I said pulling michi and fuyu
"Tokyo Manji gang!" Hansen yell
And the gate opened
And their gate opened
And then some murmur start going around
"Look its mikey"
"Wait,is that a girl here?"
"Why is there a girl"
"Can she even fight"
But I ignored them as usual
"Hansen-kun, Thank you for accepting moderation for this day" Mikey said to Hansen
"If the fight is bad, I will crush you both" Hansen said and he noticed me he smirked a bit and said
"I see there is a girl with you,Toman, can she even fight?" Hansen said
And then I heard some laugher going
I was a bit pissed of so I talked back
"I don't know, can you even host?" I said yelling to him
He twitched his eyes a bit and didn't say anything
I smirked at my victory "that's what I thought.." I mumbled
I heard some snicker around Toman and little laughs
"Let the representatives of the two gangs come forward!" Someone said
Then draken and Kazutora came forward meeting each other's eyes
"5 vs 5 fight with the best of your people...Or an all-out fight?" Hansen said eyeing Kazutora and draken
"what do you want to do?" He continued
"Valhalla started this fight, you decide,Kazutora" Draken said
"What?" Kazutora said
"But we have one condition" Draken said
"Return Baji Keisuke" he continued
Kazutora was a bit surprised but keep calm
"If Toman wins, we will return Baji back, That's it" Draken said
"what?, baji join us by himself, we have nothing to return" Kazutora said smiling at draken
"We will Return Baji" Draken said
Then Kazutora said
"Then if Valhalla wins....Y/n will join us"
Draken's eyes widen including mine and most of Toman's
"As if" Draken said
"You bastard... bring what you have" Kazutora said while clenching his fist
"Wait, you guys will fight-" Hansen was cut off by Kazutora Punching him
It was silent
"come on. Supervisor? Conditions?, did you come here for fun or what" Kazutora said
"We came here to crush you until you die!"

 Supervisor? Conditions?, did you come here for fun or what" Kazutora said"We came here to crush you until you die!"

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