It's been real

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Y/n's Pov
I was still standing while covering my mouth seeing Kisaki's laying figure after a huge truck ran into him
"Kisaki..?" I heard Takemichi mumbled
We both saw Kisaki's laying figure start to move a bit and I don't wanna lie but this scene infront of me is creeping me out a bit so I backed away a little
Kisaki raised his head but his head fell hitting the ground of the street since he was too weak a bit and Jesus his head was bleeding and the top of his left forehead is bleeding making his left eyes covered in blood a bit
"Wha..?" We both heard Kisaki mumbled

Kisaki tried once again to raise his head but unfortunately his forehead kissed the ground again, he yelled in pain and groaned "Dammit, what the hell is this?!" Kisaki said a bit of a loud voice"What the hell is going on?!, I can't stand up!" He ...

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Kisaki tried once again to raise his head but unfortunately his forehead kissed the ground again, he yelled in pain and groaned
"Dammit, what the hell is this?!" Kisaki said a bit of a loud voice
"What the hell is going on?!, I can't stand up!" He continued to yell and groan in pain at the same time
He was about to say something but nothing came out of his mouth and that's when we knew that Kisaki Tetta is officially dead..
Then I heard a familiar voice and footsteps coming towards me and Takemichi
"What happened!?" It was Manjiro's voice
I turned around to see him and Hina running towards us
My foot moved on thier own making hair way to Mikey and hugged him really tight
"Mikey.." I mumbled
He looked a slightly confused but when he turned his attention to Kisaki's laying body and a truck he knew what happened so he hugged me back trying to calm me down

3rd Person Pov
The Kanto Accident
The curtain on the conflict between kanagawa's largest delinquent group, Yokohama Tenjiku, and Tokyo's largest motorcycle gang, Tokyo Manji, totaling about 500 people...closed with a horrifying result of five arrests and three dead.
The five arrested are tenjiku's executives

And the three dead,Emma Sano, kurokawa izana, and Kisaki Tetta

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And the three dead,
Emma Sano, kurokawa izana, and Kisaki Tetta

And the three dead,Emma Sano, kurokawa izana, and Kisaki Tetta

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Hanma's Pov I was leaning on some wall sitting down with some blood on my after fighting with draken "Ah, how tiring

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Hanma's Pov
I was leaning on some wall sitting down with some blood on my after fighting with draken
"Ah, how tiring.." I spoke breaking the silence between us both
Draken looked at me confused a bit saying
"Huh, what's wrong?"
"I lost" I said replying to him without meeting his eyes before smirking 
" he should've escaped by now" I spoke with a small grin on my face
(A few days later)
Takemichi's Pov I
was in the hospital giving Kakucho a little visit
"Yo!, Kakucho" I greeted him with a small smile on my face but he didn't give one back I suppose he is still depressed about izana's death..
"In the end..I was the only one who survived" I heard Kakucho spoke
"Don't talk like that" I said and my smile dropped
"Izana who tried to save you, won't be able to rest" I continued
Kakucho looked the other way facing the window trying to ignore my gaze
"Kisaki's dead too.." Kakucho said without looking at me
At the mention of Kisaki I got goosebumps all over my body for a bit
"And now, tenjiku's dreams are over" he continued
"That..depends on you Kaku-chan" I said
"Depends on me?" He said slightly confused about what I meant
"Yes, Kisaki's dead, now my fight is over too..but" I was hesitant to continue my sentence so looked towards my hand Wich is now turning into a fist before saying
"Even so..i haven't stopped shaking since the day Kisaki died.."
(The next day)
Y/n's Pov
I was wearing a black clothes since it was the day of Emma Sano's funeral
I sat down beside Takemichi who is sitting next to crying Hina while Mikey sat infront of everyone in the room next to his gramps, almost every division captain of Toman was also here
It was silence for a bit but mikey broke it
"This time, my sister Emma.."
and then we saw draken walking forward making his back facing everyone and went towards Mikey and his gramps and sat down while bowing and then he said
"I loved Emma, I am very sorry I couldn't protect her"
I noticed takemichi start crying and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore so I let them free

" and then we saw draken walking forward making his back facing everyone and went towards Mikey and his gramps and sat down while bowing and then he said"I loved Emma, I am very sorry I couldn't protect her"I noticed takemichi start crying and I c...

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"I see you'd taken a liking towards her, I am sure she is resting well" Mikey's gramps said smiling to draken
And then we heard some sobs coming from draken and that's when everyone start crying including myself
Inui's Pov
I start walking under the dark blue sky after visiting Mikey's sister's funeral
While walking I noticed someone familiar infront of me walking the opposite way
It was kokonoi
I saw his head raised up a bit and he noticed me so he decided to greet me
"Coco.." I mumbled his name
I saw he continued walking until he reached beside me and then he put a hand on my shoulder and said
"I'll be going my own way, I can't support you anymore so don't go ending up on the wrong path, okay?"
I stayed silent not saying anything
After that he let go of my shoulder and continue his way but paused his steps and said
"Guess it's farewell.."
"Yeah, thank you for everything " I spoke and said the last sentence with a small smile on my face
"Dumbass, likewise" kokonoi said and I can feel he was smiling as well
And then we both continued to walk, i was on my own path  while kokonoi on his very own path..
Hanma's Pov
I was finished eating with my food in a restaurant while there was an old man cooking infront of me
"Gotta go, pops!" I spoke
"What?, another incident?, it's been so dangerous lately" the old man said
I stood up from my seat and head over the exit
"Man, it's getting boring, thanks for the meal!" I said before exiting and head over to my motorcycle getting on it
"I am getting tired of being fugitive" I said to myself and I start driving away from the restaurant
(The next day)
Mikey's Pov
I was sitting on the same place where I met izana for first time watching the peaceful ocean
"Alright..I've decided" I said to myself
Man i almost teared up while writing this chapter ngl
But another one, two chapters in a day!
Hope you guys enjoy reading
Have a great day/night!

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